41: Jamie

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Chapter 41

Three weeks after holiday from Hogwarts started, I had gotten a weird letter. I woke up later than usual, so I quickly got dressed in light skinny and ripped jeans with a yellow blouse and black sandals. I sat in the living room, reading GoF for a third time that summer, when an owl appeared in the window. It wasn't a usual one, so obviously I brought it in. I opened the letter and was shocked beyond belief.


I hope you are well, and I just want to start out by apologizing. I really wanted to talk to you, but I have no idea when I will see you next, so I needed to tell you before I never get the chance.

I know you are my daughter, and I love you so so so much, you don't even believe. Moony told me that you thought I didn't recognize you, but I could recognize you in a huge crowd in Hogsmeade. I just didn't want to scare you off with to much information.

Just so you know, your mother and I only gave you up, because our friend, Moony's wife, knows of the future and said it was best, on behalf of the headmaster, that you be sent there. Neither of us wanted to, it took her weeks to convince us.

Moony had a daughter as well, and let me know if you pick her up. I want to tell him.

Best regards, and I hope you had a lovely summer.

I love you,
Pad foot.

Pad foot. Black. Sirius. Dad. He wrote to me. I started dancing around the kitchen, and laughed. I ran to my room and wrote Remus about it, before taking a walk, which was calm and relaxing for once.

I walked back to Snape's house, and I was greeted by his usual scowl. I shrugged past him, ignoring my uncle completely and was about to walk up the stairs to my room, when he stopped me.

"Jamie, I need to talk to you for a moment, please." He said, in a surprisingly calm voice. I sighed and backtracked my steps to the kitchen.

I looked at him with a look that says 'You better hurry this up or I will murder you'. I don't know how I got all of that into one look, but I got the message across.

"Look, I know that you are pissed with me, but understand that he has done nothing to receive my kindness. No one has that except you, and Dumbledore occasionally. I truly am sorry that I bound you, I was messed up in my thoughts on catching Black, and then him slipping through our fingers, I just lost it." He told me. For once, he actually sounded sincere. My hard gaze softened a little.

"Fine. I forgive you. But only because I cant't stand watching you look like a murderous kicked puppy." I replied, giving it. Severus chuckled and rolled his eyes, not something uncommon.

"A murderous kicked puppy? Interesting..." I laughed and for the first time that summer, we ate a meal (well, some magic made chicken and fries) together.


The next morning, I woke up to the sun blaring on me. Which is definitely not normal since I started getting up by like noon and my curtains should have been closed. I groaned and flipped the covers off of me, not able to go back to sleep. I glanced at my alarm clock and it read 9:52. Damn.

I pulled my frizzy, multi-colored hair into a high ponytail and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I stifled a yawn as I pulled down a box of cereal to eat.

"I have eggs made, you know." Severus' voice said from behind me. I turned and saw him fully dressed and reading the Daily Prophet.

"Thanks." I said in a sleepy voice. I sat down and dug into my eggs. You wouldn't think that the "scariest teacher" in Hogwarts would be a good cook. But, he is probably the best at eggs and pancakes and all that crap. And by hand, not magic.

As I ate, Uncle Severus put the paper down to talk to me.

"Lupin is picking you up at 1. Please be ready before then, I have some meetings at Hogwarts to attend." He said, standing up. I nodded, swallowing my last bite and magicked the things clean and put them away.

"Have funnn!" I sang, dragging out the 'n', as I walked up the stairs to my room. I could tell he rolled his eyes and he sighed.

"Behave!" He shouted up the stairs and I laughed. He should know that I only behave for him and Remus. On occasion.


Two and a half hours later, around 12:30, I was completely ready and I ate something for lunch. I was just sitting on the couch, reading some advanced Potions book from Severus' private office. He doesn't know, as I copy the book and put the copy in the book's place. Once I finish it, I find a way to put the original back, but he hasn't noticed in the few years I've been doing it.

Anyways, I was reading and suddenly the fireplace lit up, which obviously terrified me. Then Remus walked out and I was good.

"Hi Jamie." He said, sounding exhausted. I smiled.

"Hey Moony. You doing okay?" I replied, putting the book in my bag and grabbing my trunk.

"I'll be fine. The full moons are really getting to me." I sighed sympathetically for him. I felt so bad that he had to endure all the pain. I followed him to the fireplace and off we went to his house.


Hey all you fabulous readers.

Does anyone remember that contest? Yeah, the one from the chapter before this or the one before that? Anyone still want to enter? Please? I'll make better prizes if you want, you can suggest them too.

I'm sorry for not updating for like, 10 days or something. I kinda got distracted and such with high school. Plus I have marching band 6:30 to 9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, updating won't be as often as I used to have it. 

I'm also going to apologize for how short this is, and how much of a filler it is. Hopefully the next one is Jamie going to Durmstrang then I'll go back to Raelyn.

And all you reader people should check out my story, Fairytales Don't Last Forever. It's kinda a Luke Hemmings story, but it's more of an original. I'm just using 5sos as a base.

Vote, comment, anything please.

I luff you all

Tori Weasley <3

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