13: Raelyn

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Chapter 13

I grew up with an amazing brother and two perfect parents. They didn't treat either of us different from the other. When I turned 6, my parents brought me to the park, and I had made friends, so I had others besides James.

4 Years Later (Raelyn: age 9)

"Mum! I'm going to the park!" I shouted to the almost empty house. James and dad had gone to some quidditch game across the country. I'm not to into quidditch, and neither is mum, so we stayed home.

"Alright! Stay close to Mr and Mrs Evans! And be home for dinner!" mum shouted back, and I replied with a quick "Okay!" before pulling on my muggle converse and running out the door.

I ran to the park, ignoring the odd looks from parents. I ran past the swings, over the hill, to the huge willow-like tree. Its where I meet my best friends, Lily and Petunia Evans.

"Lynn! You came!" Lily exclaimed, running over to me, and embracing me in a hug.

"Of course I came! I wouldn't miss hanging out with you for anything!" I exclaimed back.

"Tuney! Its great to see you as well!" I said loudly, catching the older girl's attention. She seemed to only realize I came.

"Lynn! I didn't see you come over!" Petunia said, running over. She was a few years older than me and Lily, but us three are the best of friends.

"I convinced my mum to let me come. I think she wanted some alone time, dad and James went to some game across the country." I said, as we sat down in the grass. I noticed Petunia kept looking at the bushes, which seemed to move randomly. I shrugged it off, and went back to talking to Lily.

After a few hours of going from the swings and the hill and the lake on the opposite side of the hill, it started to get dark out. I looked at watch and said some words under my breath.

"I have to go. I promised mum I would be home for dinner." I explained to Lily and Petunia, breaking the silence we were in.

We said our goodbyes, and parted our separate ways.

I ran all the way home, and took off my shoes once I got inside.

"Mum! I'm home!" I shouted, panting afterwards from all the running I did.

"Finally! I was starting to get worried." mum replied as I walked into the kitchen. I laughed and we ate dinner, somewhat quickly.

Life was basically the same for the next year. Me and James getting into small fights every other days, which is pretty normal for siblings. Me and Lily are also good friends with a boy named Severus, whom we met a few days after I turned 10. Petunia hates him though, for some odd reason. She isn't nice to him in the least. But, once I turned 10, I got a letter. A letter that made me extremely happy, and pretty sad at the same time.

Raelyn and James' 10th birthday- March 27th

"Raelyn! Get up! We're 10 today!" James shouted as he ran into my room. I rolled my eyes and covered my head with my pillow.

"Mum and Millie are making pancakes! Come on!" he shouted, trying to get me out of bed. This time, it worked.

"Pancakes?!" I exclaimed, sitting up quickly. James nodded quickly, and ran out of the room. If you're wondering, Millie is one of our house elves (along with Ella, Rigger, and Thomas) and she's usually the one to help mum with cooking.

Grabbing a hair tie, I pulled my hair into a quick ponytail and got out of bed, passing my mirror on the way. My hair's chocolate brown with red, green, blue and yellow stripes today. I'm a metamorphagus, so my hair changes color often.

Running downstairs, I smelt the pancakes and bacon. James didn't tell me about the bacon. I squealed like a pig (no joke, but I don't do it often) and I stopped myself as soon as I realized. I shivered from the thought of being a girl girl like Lily (no offense, but I can't stand dresses and skirts).

"Its alive!" my dad exclaimed jokingly, and I rolled my eyes at him. I sat down and took as much bacon as I could before James realized.

"Hey!" he exclaimed once he realized. I smirked and ate my bacon obnoxiously. he rolled his eyes and ate his bacon and pancakes in silence.

While we were cleaning up, I heard a tapping noise at the window.

"Mum! Mail's here!" I shouted, going to the window and opening it for the owl. There was a few from family members for mum and dad, and towards the bottom of the stack, there was a letter addressed to me. I felt mum come up next to me.

"We're only 10, mum. And there's only a note for me, so its not Hogwarts. Who would write to me? All my friends are muggles." I ranted, looking at mum, who looked just as confused. I turned the envelope over, and there was a wax seal. Wow, fancy.

I looked at mum again, and realization hit her face. "Well, go on. Open it." she urged me. I shrugged, and opened the letter.

Dear Miss R. Potter,

We are pleased to tell you, that you have been accepted to Beauxbatons Academy. Please find enclosed your school supply list. We are aware you do not speak English, but we will have that taken care of once you arrive.

Please write as soon as possible.

Term starts September the 5th. Your train ticket is enclosed as well, and has all necessary information. If you need any help with anything, please feel free to write as much as necessary.

We hope you are having a wonderful summer,

Madame Bellicose

Deputy Headmistress

I was in shock. A french school wants me?!

"Mum, is this for real? I thought I would go to Hogwarts" I asked mum.

"Raelyn, I promise we will tell you soon, but you're way to young for the horrors of what has happened. Beauxbatons is much safer for you right now." mum replied, looking a but upset.

"Alright. Can we go shopping tomorrow, then?" I asked, wanting to learn all of this french stuff. Mum nodded, and I smiled, before running up to my room.

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