47: Raelyn

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Chapter 47

"We have to be going, more people to help. Maybe we can talk another time?" I said, once we all stood up and collected ourselves. Mae nodded and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Raelyn. I really mean that." She said, and it was so sincere. I smiled.

"You're welcome." And with that, we apparated to the house of Black.

Ari and I landed in Godric's Hollow for the second time that day. I glanced at my watch and saw it was 1:30 already.

"Dammit, I have to send Remus a patronus before he starts freaking out." I said, stopping in my tracks. Ari stopped and walked backwards dramatically to me. I rolled my eyes and took out my wand, casting the charm.

"Remus, I am absolutely fine. Ari and I are making rounds to our friends, I promise I'll explain everything when I get home later. I'm guessing about another hour or two. I love you, tell Anna that I love her too." and I sent the patronus to Remus. I sighed.

"Let's get this over with. I just want to go home at this point." I told my friend, who nodded in agreement. She hadn't been one to speak all day.

We walked up to the door, and this time Ari knocked on the door. Michaela opened it, not surprised to see us there.

"What was the last thing you said to me about my daughter?" She questioned, almost bored sounding.

"I know you're going to hate this, but Jamie is supposed to be somewhere else. She'll be safer. Just think about it for a while?" I replied, reciting my conversation with her. Michaela nodded, and let us in.

"So what brings you here? Word travels fast between the dynamic idiotic duo, as well as me and the red-head down the road. I hear you and your brother got into a nasty argument." She said, walking into the kitchen. She turned on a pot of coffee and a tea kettle. My muggle ways had come back to bite me in the ass, so coffee is an addiction again.

"I was only trying to help him and Lily. It goes along with why Jamie has to leave, trust me. I wasn't even supposed to tell them the specifics of it." I replied, taking a seat at the table. Ari followed me, but kept an eye on the front window, which didn't allow prying eyes to look in, but anyone inside could look out. Michaela nodded, and continued to make the beverages.

Sirius suddenly strolled in, a baby in his arms as he took a glass and poured some water in it.

"Hello there Raelyn, Arielle." He greeted, taking a seat.

"What did you do?" Ari, Michaela and I demanded in sync. He smiled sheepishly and Michaela and I glared at him.

"Absolutely nothing!" He exclaimed, bouncing Jamie on his lap. "Just, unless you count telling James that Raelyn is..." He mumbled the last part so low I couldn't hear him.

"What was that?" I said menacingly. He seemed to shrink into the seat little by little as my look got more intense.

"That you're from the future!" He said loudly, and covered his hand with his free hand. The guilty look on his face almost made me feel sorry for him. Almost.

"YOU WHAT?" I shouted, my eyes wide. He smiled sheepishly and ran out of the room with a crying Jamie. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK THE THIRD GET BACK DOWN HERE!" I shouted up the stairs. I heard footsteps and a door slam. My breath started getting uneven. James wasn't supposed to know. No one, except mum, dad, and Dumbledore, were supposed to know. And then Sirius knows? And now James? And Ari and Michaela are more than likely to figure it out by this point.

I turned around and faced Ari and Michaela. A very hurt Ari and Michaela.

"I-Is that true?" Ari said, her voice breaking in the beginning. Michaela looked ready to cry. I started hyperventilating.

"Why didn't you tell us? And how does Sirius know?" Michaela asked. I shook my head, unable to speak. My throat was closing up and tears were streaming down my face. I sat on the floor, unable to stand.

"I-I need to go. Let me do this quickly, and A-Ari can explain." I said, trying to make it as clear and brief as possible. I hovered my hand over her heart. We collapsed backwards, Sirius coming in quick enough to save my fall, while Ari got Michaela. I did the same to Ari, and the couple in the house stopped our falls.

"What's going on?" Sirius asked, walking down the stairs. I shook my head and once he got close enough, I did the spell on him, the girls catching our falls. "Rae, what is going on?"

"Talk to Ari. I n-need to g-go." I said, and apparated home.


"Raelyn? Is that you?" Remus called from the kitchen. I had apparated inside, as Remus and I were the only one's able to do so. I wanted to shout 'yes' back, but I couldn't find my voice to reply. I stumbled into the kitchen, to see it sparkling clean and Remus standing worried in the doorway.

"Raelyn? What happened? Are you hurt?" He asked quickly. I shook my head and collapsed on the couch, since the living room and kitchen are connected.

"R-Remus?" I asked.


"Would you hate me if I told you I never told you something I didn't tell anyone?"

"I wouldn't hate you, but I wouldn't be happy that you didn't tell me. Why? Is there something I should know?" Guilt started pulsating through me again.

"I have a huge secret that I never told anyone and everyone found out today somehow." Worry lines creased his forehead, which would probably be the cause of premature gray hairs. He nodded for me to go on. "It's kinda sorta hard to believe, and I understand that you'll be so so mad at me for not telling you anything, but I never even told James. Honest to Merlin."

"Rae, what's going on? I'm so confused, and I won't be mad I promise." He told me, and gave a sympathetic look, but replaced it with a serious one.

"I-I'm from the future, the year 2024 to be exact. When I was fifteen, people took me in after my family was kidnapped and gave me the choice to save people in this time, or fight the future death eaters in that time. I picked this time, really because I wanted to meet everyone here." I took a deep breath from my little speech. Remus' face dropped from its serious glance to almost an angry one.

"Why wouldn't you tell me? I thought you trusted me..." He said, looking at the ground. The hurt was evident on his face, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

"I do, and it took all of my self control to not tell you, or anyone. James never even knew until I screamed it in a moment of anger. I'm so sorry." I told him, my voice softening to a whisper towards the end. I had enough. I stood up and walked to our bedroom, grabbing my old Hogwarts trunk, though it was frayed and ripped up. Quickly fixing the rips and tears with a spell, I threw it on the bed and opened it. 

I walked around the room, pulling things like clothes and shoes from the closet. I faintly heard Anna crying in the kitchen, but forced myself to ignore it. Checking the closet one last time, I grabbed a pair of slippers from the corner and a purse from the shelf up top. After throwing them in the trunk, I lifted the floorboard with ease and threw everything from in there to my trunk. I finally got to my night table, and took the quills and papers stuffed in the drawer. I grabbed a pillow from the floor and a fuzzy blanket (one of many we had kept) and threw them in the trunk as well. Shutting it quickly, I took the handle and my wand in respective hands and the last thing I saw before apparating was Remus holding Anna, and the look of hurt etched all over his face.


Woo, I finally updated! There's one last chapter left in this book though! 

I hope you've liked The Future, and look forward to Exit Wounds! 

Love you all, mt wonderful readers!

Tori Weasley <3

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