15: Raelyn

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Chapter 15

"Raelyn, I promise we will tell you soon, but you're way to young for the horrors of what has happened. Beauxbatons is much safer for you right now." mum replied, looking a bit upset.

"Alright. Can we go shopping tomorrow, then?" I asked, wanting to learn all of this french stuff. Mum nodded, and I smiled, before running up to my room.

"MUM! ITS 9:30! WE HAVE TO GO!" I shouted from our front hall. The train to Beauxbatons leaves in 45 minutes, and I didn't want to be late and miss the train.

"Alright, I'm right here! Are you all packed and ready?" Mum replied, pulling her muggle jean jacket on.

I nodded quickly, shoved my shoes on my feet, and ran to my things next to the fireplace.

"Are we flooing or apparating?" I asked when Mum came back in.

"Apparating. You're not taking the train, only because you don't live in or near France." Mum replied, and she took my trunk and I grabbed her hand.

A few seconds later, Mum and I (dad and James following a few minutes behind us) landed in front of a huge ice-like castle. The castle looked almost clear, with different shades of blue and purple around it, like glass almost.

"Mum? Are you sure I have to go here?" I asked, looking at my uniform again. Its so freaking girly.

"Yes. It isn't as bad as you think it is."

Famous last words. I hated it already.

"Madame Maxime?" Mum stated as we walked into the castle. James was ogling at some of the girls in the corner, who were giggling at him, and I just rolled my eyes.

We followed some woman to a headmistress office. Or highly expensive muggle suite at a famous 5-star hotel.

I am not joking in the least.

And there was pink.

I needed to leave as soon as possible.

Mum talked with Madame Maxime (the headmistress) and Madame put some type of spell on me, so that I would be able to speak and understand French. Or English. I could understand and speak both. It's awesome.

"Ummm... Can I go eat now, or something?" I asked, feeling hungry. "I'm kinda hungry and from the looks of it, everyone else is here."

"Oh! Of course! I'll see you at Christmas then, Lynn. Love you." mum said, hugging me to death.

"Love you too, mum. I'll see you at Christmas." I replied, pretending to choke. She finally let go, and I smiled.

"My baby girl..." Mum whispered, trailing off and tears brimming in her eyes. I rolled my own, and looked at Madame Maxime.

"Pouvons nous descendons maintenant ? J'ai très faim." {Can we go down now? I am quite hungry} I asked in french. The headmistress nodded, and mum said one last goodbye before flooing home.

I followed the giant headmistress (did I mention she looked like a half-giant? I'm obviously not going to mention it to her, but...) to the Great Hall, and I trailed behind the other year ones.

"Are you, uh, nervous at all?" A blonde girl next to me asked. I shrugged.

"I guess. I'm Raelyn Potter. What's your name?" I replied.

"Apolline Caulin . Were you not born in France?"

"I was born in England, a little off Little Whinging."

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