3: Luna

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Chapter 3

More News and Learning

Once I had apparated to my house, Neville and Ginny were already in the guest room. I walked almost silently up the stairs.

"Mum! You're home!" I heard a boy shout from down the hall. I turned toward the voice, and saw one of my boys running towards me.

"Hello Lysander. I thought you, your brother and your father would still be out." I said to my son.
He shrugged and replied, "Dad got some urgent call to work, so he dropped me and Lorcan off here." I nodded in understanding.
"Alright, just, don't come over here. Near the guest room down the hall." I told him. He looked at me confused.
"Why?" He asked me.
I sighed, and explained to him, "Because I don't want you to get hurt, if something bad happens."
Lysander still looked a bit confused, but shrugged it off.
"Ok. Love you mum." he said, and kissed my cheek before running off, probably to find his brother and do something.

I turned back towards the other end of the hallway, taking a deep breath, and walked to the guest room, where Ginny and Neville surely were. As I got closer, I realized how nervous I was. This girl, along with the one Harry went to get, could be the saving grace of the wizarding world. If they make the right choice, I could get my father back. Possibly even my mum.

I got to the guest room door, and opened it. I walked in, closing the door behind me, and saw Ginny and Neville talking quietly on the bed, with a teenage girl with blond hair laying under the blankets. The girl's face was scrunched up in pain. I walked over to Ginny and Neville, and the moment I opened my mouth to talk to them, there was an ear piercing screech. I heard footsteps outside the door, and Ginny and Neville held their wands up.

"Mum?" a male voice said from the other side of the door. I looked at Ginny, then the girl on the bed. I relaxed a little, knowing it was my son, Lorcan. But, once I looked at the girl lying on the bed, I noticed she was sitting up straight, and that it was her that had screamed. It looked like Ginny figured it out as well, because she ushered Neville out of the room.

"Can you calm her down? I promised Harry I would talk to him once she woke up." I asked Ginny. She nodded, and I asked her another question, "Um, do you remember what her name is? I got so distracted earlier." Ginny laughed quietly.

"Trinity. Her names Trinity Roselyn." she replied.

"Thanks" I told her, and ran out of the room to call Harry.

I walked down the stairs, and found a room seculed from the rest of the house. Nobody knew about this room. Since this had been my grandparents house, I came here a lot when I was little. And being extremely quiet and curious, found this room. I had been 6 at the time, but when Rolf and I got married, we found the house, and I found my little room again.

I sat down in one of the few armchairs I had put in here, and screamed. Not for any reason. I just, screamed. For my mum, my dad, for, if Trinity or the other girl choose to go back to being a muggle, I wont have anyone. Sure, I had Rolf and Lysander and Lorcan, and all my friends, but nothing would be able to fill the void of my parents.

I sat in a moment of silence, and figured I should call Harry and be done with it.

"Expecto Patronum!" I called with confidence. I figured I would probably scare him, so once I got my patronus to work, I exclaimed, "I didnt mean to startle you Harry!"

He obviously said the second part of the spell, so I was able to see and hear him, as he was able to for me.

"Its alright, I just wasnt expecting it. Do you have any news for the other girl?" he replied.

"Well, yes. We have the girl, her name is Trinity Roselyn. She's staying with me, correct?"

He nodded, and so I continued.

"Alright, well, she woke up a few minutes ago, and is pretty scared. Thats what Ginny's doing right now actually. Trying to calm her down. I figured we would keep her here for a few days, maybe a week or so, then give her a choice. What about you? Do you have any news with your girl?"

"Yeah. Um, her name, I think Hermione said it was Blake -no, Blaire- Mills. She's still sleeping and probably will be for a while. She wasnt coming willingly, so Mione had me use Stupeferus. She'll probably be out for another few hours."

I nodded, and put my 'day dreaming' type of face up. I've learned to hide my emotions pretty well after my years in Hogwarts.

"Alright, I'll let you know when she's ready to choose, and I'll let you know what she does end up choosing." I said, after a few moments of silence. Harry nodded, looking like he was thinking.

"Mmh. I let you know if anything big happens" he replied.

"Ok. Bye Harry."

"I'll talk to you soon Luna."

And with that, I cancelled the spell, and the bright blue-white light dimmed into nothingness.


An hour later, I was sitting on a chair in the guest room, Ginny pacing across the room, and Trinity (who I learned liked to be called Trin) sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. I could tell she was trying to take in all the information we just gave her.

Ginny and I had just spent about 45 minutes convincing Trin that we were really who we say we are, and that wizards are real. We were all sitting in silence, as she thought over what we said. It was only the three of us, because Neville had to go back home. His wife had an emergency, and neither me nor Ginny had heard from him about what happened.

"Are you, um, okay? With all the information?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. Trin looked at me like I was crazy for a moment, then finally spoke.

"I-I guess. I mean, Its not every day that 3 wizards come and kidnap you and when you wake up, they tell you your parents were kidnapped by dark wizards." she said, obviously uncomfortable here, but laughed quietly anyways.

"Do you have any questions, before we continue with everything?" Ginny asked, finally sitting down. As soon as we fell into silence, she had started pacing, a habit she got when Harry became an auror and was a few minutes late.

"Um, no. I dont think so. I've kinda figured that these dark wizards are after me." Trin said, laughing a bit. I smiled at her, and Ginny let out a little laugh.

"Alright, well, to protect you here in the Wizard World, we're going to have to change your appearance slightly, and your name." I said, making my face dreamy like it used to be. I've learned over the years to hide emotions and make things look all happy and such.

Trin looked a bit intimidated, but nodded cautiously.

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