32: Raelyn

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Chapter 32

The next thing I knew, was a searing pain in my arm. I looked down, as well as I could, and saw blood spurting everywhere, the knife Bellatrix was holding covered in the same color. I felt sick.

"Are you even going to speak?" She hissed again.

"Do you know anything besides hissing and pain?" I whispered as loud as I could, which was barely audible. She gave another insane smile and dug the knife in my arm. I shrieked in pain and she laughed. Bellatrix dug the knife into my arm again, creating a third gash. I screamed and screamed until I lost consciousness.

"Raelyn! Raelyn get up!" Remus shouted in my ear, and that was all I remember from waking up, before passing out again.

What felt like years later, I finally woke up.

I opened my eyes, but I had to close them again, as the blinding white light was almost to much to handle. I opened my eyes, one at a time, in attempt to keep them both open at once. It worked. I looked at both sides of me, and saw sleeping figures. I couldn't make them out though, no matter how bright it was.

"Dammit. My contacts." I whispered to my myself, moving to a sitting position. Did I ever mention that I wear glasses? I guess not. It's kind of a trait in the Potter family, and even though I'm not a Potter by blood, James had decided to ruin my perfect eyesight.

We were seven, and I was extremely gullible. James had told me if I look at the sun long enough, I'll see the stars during the day. I had an obsession with stars when I was seven as well, so of course I did it. Now, my eyesight is completely ruined and if I had been in the muggle world, I would've been blind.

So now I have these brown rounded-square glasses, but I usually wear contacts, but no one knows that.

So I was stuck just sitting there, doing nothing. Nah, I called Madame Pomfrey, which startled the figures awake.

"Raelyn!" They all shouted at once. I could just barely make out who they were. There was obviously James, Remus, Sirius and Peter, then I think Lily and Ari were there as well. There were three figures that I couldn't make out though.

"Alright, everyone out! Miss Potter needs rest! And treatment!" Poppy shouted, and all of the figures scrambled out, some faster than others.


A week later, I was finally let out. Lily and Ari had come down with my glasses the second day I was there, so I was able to see fine, thank Merlin. I walked up to the common room by myself, and on the way I examined my arm. The three gashes were healed and all, but faint scars remained.

Once I was almost at the portrait, someone pulled me to the side of the hallway.

"Raelyn? Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you, but we needed to talk to you." A girl's voice said. I looked at the person (or persons) standing in front of me. Michaela and Severus Snape.

"Look, I'm really not in the mood right now--" I started, but Michaela cut me off.

"But we need to tell you." She said urgently. I sighed, but nodded. "I'm really really sorry for ignoring you. Severus had 'supposedly' talked 'sense' into me, about your brother being horrible, and you being as well. But we've known you for so long, and I'm so sorry. I really am." Michaela looked so sincere. I smiled, but before I could say something, Severus spoke.

"I'm really sorry as well. Your brother has been torturing me since first year, and I just figured that you were like him." He said, also sounding apologetic. I forgave them, and hugged both of them, though Severus was a bit hesitant.

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you around." I said, mainly to Severus. He nodded and walked down the stairs, towards the dungeons. Michaela and I walked to the Gryffindor common room, and she said the password (Butterbeer). I also learned that the Fat Lady's name is Rosa, and we talked for a while. Well, before Mickey dragged me inside.

When we walked into the common room, it was decked out in decorations galore. No seriously, there was a place on the wall that didn't have some sort of decoration on it. Then there was the banner across one wall that said, WELCOME BACK RAELYN POTTER. It looked like the person was going to write my middle name as well, but decided against it. Probably James' doing.

There was also about a million people that just randomly came up to me and hugged me. I just kinda awkwardly patted them on the back and moved on.

I walked over to the fireplace, with a mug of Butterbeer, when someone picked me up from behind and spun me around.

"I've missed you, you know." A voice all to familiar to me said. He put me down and turned to see my boyfriend smiling down at me.

"Missed me, huh? How tall have you gotten in the two weeks I was out?" I said, smiling. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. We released and I whispered to him, "You know what? I don't care what James thinks." He looked at me confused, but before he could say anything, I kissed him. Of course, that didn't last long, because someone picked me up from behind (again) and spun me around. I'm just glad I wasn't holding my now empty mug of Butterbeer. The person put me down, and I saw it was my lovely brother. Well I just put myself in some deep shit.

"Sup Jamesie." I said nonchalantly. He glared at me playfully.

"When did that," he said, pointing his finger between Remus and I. "Happen?" I scratched my chin, pretending I was thinking.

"When we played that prank on the Slytherins mid-October." I said, as innocently as I could. He looked shocked and I shrugged, before waving goodbye to find my other friends.

The last two years of my time at Hogwarts I spent thinking of plans to save Lily and James, who did end up together in seventh year, and protect Ari and Michaela (I never got close to Cassidy or Quinn or the other girls in my year, they were all just kinda boring and Cassidy was a right bitch to me) because I don't know their fates. In sixth year though, Michaela got together with Sirius and they got married, as did Lily and James. Though Remus and I were the first to get married, because I am just that awesome.



Yeah, no.... I'm just not doing anything.

So, next chapter (which I'm going to start working on next) is another Raelyn, just to get the chapters back on track. And it's going to be Raelyn and Remus' wedding, as well as Lily and James' and Sirius and Michaela. Ari never gets married though, sorry not sorry. She's gonna play a bigger role as the dreaded Halloween gets closer though.

Maybe I'll update the next one today.


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