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"Get The Hell out!!!!" My Mother yelled as she threw random objects at me.
I managed to dodge them as I ran towards the door, As I  swung the door open a glass plate made contact to my head, I yelped in pain.
"You Bitch Get Out!!!! No good hotshot!!!" She continues to yell. I ran out not looking back, the echos of my folks fighting slowly fading away the farther I'd got. 

As I ran I couldn't help but sob to the point I had fell to the floor. Why can't my parents love me? Why can't they stop drinking and fighting and stop taking almost every drug in the world. Why can't I have a normal family?

"Y/N?" I looked up to see Ponyboy, A good firend of mine. His grey eyes looked at me with great concern
"Are you alright?" He asked kneeling down to me.
"I'm fine." I cried
"C'mon let me take you home, My Mom will stop that bleeding just fine." He said as he helped me up.
"Bleeding? What bleeding?" I asked, Ponyboy put a finger on my forhead and revealed the fresh blood that was now on his finger. "Oh..." I said dumbfounded, I had suddenly felt dizzy and nearly lost my balance. Ponyboy caught me
"Sorry." I mumbled
"It's alright."

Me and Ponyboy have known eachother for nearly a whole year now. I've moved to Tusla because my parents are always on the run from the law.
Ponyboy had lived with his mother and two brothers Darrel who we call Darry and Sodapop, Just last year his father had died in a car wreck, They were able to recover from the pain but Ponyboy had night Terrors once in awhile causinghim to scream and Sob. The Curtis Family were more of a family to me than my own. They took me under their wing and were basically the only reason I believe in good people. Ponyboy, Darry and Soda were like brothers to me and their Mother was the only mother figure I had...I look up to her, She was more of a  Mother to me than my very own.

We had finally had made it to The Curtis house, Pony sat me down nicely on the couch.
"Mom!" He called out
"Yes Hone?" She poked her head from the kitchen, Horrified the moment she had spot me.
"Oh Y/N, You poor thing!" She gasped running towards me.
She looked at the cut, That was now giving me a stinging pain on my forhead, She lightly tapped it causing me to wince.
"Ponyboy, Get me a wet rag and a bandage." She asked softly
Ponyboy immediately ran to the bathroom and back.
She started cleaning up the blood and Put a band aid on the cut. "I'm sorry." I sniffed
"Oh, Sweetie don't apologize, it isn't your fault." She said softly. Her Bonnie Blue eyes gave a caring look of compassion, as her pearly white smile showed comfort.
"Can I stay for the night?" I sniffed "Of course, You can stay here as long as you want." She said as she ran her hand through my hair."Thanks Ms.Curtis." I smiled "Anytime." She then got up and walked to the kitchen.

The door then opened to reveal Sodapop and Darry. The moment they saw me the came up to me concerned."Oh Y/N, What happened?" Soda asked
"My Parents, I tried draining all of their alcohol down the sink...My Folks saw me and they went wild." I tried not to cry as I explained the whole sinario. "I'm so sorry Y/N"
"It's alright." I sighed
"Y/N, Do you wanna help me bake a cake?" Ms. Curtis asked
"Sure." I smiled as I got up.
I sat on the dinning table as Mom put on a baking apron.
The ing were all placed orderly in the dining table.
"Hey Mom!" Soda smiled
"Oh Hey Boys, Darry how wad work?"
"Exhausting." Darry Sighed.
"Now what did I tell you about carring two bundles of roofing young man."
"I know, I know...I have to take it easy with it but, it gets the job done faster."
"Well you know what they say, Work Smarter not Harder." Ms.Curtis kissed Darry on the cheek, Darry could help but smile. "I'll be in my room." Darry said as he walked out of the kitchen.
"Soda, How was your date with Sandy?"
"It was good." Soda said
"Romantic?" Ms.Curtis gave a smile Sodapop blushed and laughed slightly as he scratched the back of his neck bashful like.
"Yeah, It was."
"You should invite her to dinner someday, I'd love to meet her you know." Ms.Curtis said as she cracked some eggs into a bowl. Soda nodded. "I can ask her next time."
"You wanna help me and Y/N?" She asked
"Well, I'm gonna head out with Steve in a bit."
"Alright, Be careful I don't want any of those rich boys to come along."
"I will." Soda then walked out of the house.

When me and Ms.Curtis finished putting the cake into the oven we both sat in the living room talking. "You alright Y/N?" She asked. "Yeah...I'm just, Frustrated...My parents, they fight so much, they can't go a day without screaming or beating. I'm sick of it! I wish I could just live with you guys, leave my parents. I hate them." Tears were steaming down my face slowly.
"Oh, Sweetie, I wish you could too." Ms.Curtis hugged me tightly, She smelled like roses and Chocolate cake, A nice mixture of scent.
"I'm always scared of them, There nights I can't sleep without worrying if one of them will come and pick a fight, Not a morning where we can sit together in the table and eat breakfast, they don't feed me, they don't care for me, all the care for is drugs, breaking the law and who's gonna be the one to bring me down."
"Y/N...You can be apart of our family if you want."
"You mean..."
"Adoption." She smiled her eyes shining like a diamond.
"But..Won't you need my parents permission?" I asked
"We can find away." She said softly.
"I hope we do soon, I don't think I'll be able to live with them any longer." I sighed.
"I promise you I will, If it's the last thing I do."
The timer for the oven dinged and the cake was ready. We both got up going into the kitchen.
For the rest of that night my heart was filled with hope as I repeated the thought of finally being with the ones who care about me. Far from my parents.

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