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"Y/N, Wake up we're home." Soda shook me awake. "Mmm." I groaned I was to caught up in my own comfort of a peaceful sleep, Just to think of it, I hadn't had such good of a sleep since I ran away.

I was so tired to the point every word I heard sounded like nonsense to me as if everyone spoke another language, I felt strong arms start to carry me. Must've been Darry. The next thing I knew was being throw into a nice cushion, being met with a nice slumber once again.


I woke up and found myself in Sodas old room, the sunlight shined through the curtains, The nice smell of eggs and bacon filled my nose. I felt at peace, finally nothing can stop us. I slipped out of the bed and walked into the kitchen everyone already stuffing thier faces with food. "Morning Y/N" everyone smiled "Morning." I sat besides Ponyboy and started to eat. "How are you feeling?" He asked "Better than ever."
"That's good, you sure did look like shit for the past week." Steve said "Heard that plenty of times" I laughed "One thing is I'm kinda...self conscious about this burn, It's never gonna be a huge scar " I sighed
"Hey don't worry Y/N, that makes you look tough ." Twobit nudged me. "Really?" I asked feeling my face "Yeah, Your beautiful no matter what." Soda complimented I blushed and played with my bacon and eggs.

I wasn't really up to eat, I had a feeling in my stomach, A strange feeling as if something bad were to happen soon. I tried ignoring it but, it didn't sto,my  stomach just kept turning. I slid my plate away and walked to the living room. "Not hungry?" Johnny asked "Yeah." I sighed, My stomach turned Harder, I winced and held onto it tightly.
I must be sick. I mean my throat did sore awful lot... No I can't be sick.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked "I don't know...What do you wanna do?" Ponyboy asked "Let's just go to the drive in tonight." "Cool, we'll go hunt some action while we wait for the sun to go down." Dallas said.

We then started heading our way, The pain in my stomach making me feel nauseated and the soreness growing stronger to the point my voice was sounding raspy "Y/N, you alright you don't look to good." Ponyboy said I just nodded "You sure?" I nodded once again "Why so quiet?" Dally asked I just shrugged.
Ponyboy, Johnny and Dallas gave eachother looks and looked back at me "You don't know?" I nodded. "Well, We better go before the movie starts." Dallas changed the subject.

As we walked I looked to see the same man who had raped me next to his white van. 'Your Dead' was all he mouthed.
I walked quickly to Ponyboy and tapped on his sweater.
"Yeah Y/N?" He asked "Th-Those-m." I couldn't get the rest out. The sore throat had made me lose my voice.
Ponyboy felt my forhead "Your burning." He said "Must've lost your voice too."

I looked over to see the man was walking behind Ponyboy, Before I could say anything he knocked Ponyboy out. Dally went furious and tried beating the guy but tye man pulled a switch out and stabbed him right to his arm "Dal!" Johnny yelled.
"You want some to kid?" The man hissed, Johnny looked terrified, he didn't know what to do.

Johnny reached to his switchblade and flicked it open, his hands shaking "Oh you don't got the nerve." The man hissed but Johnny did, he ran straight towards the man, but stopped in his tracks not wanting to hurt anyone, The man didn't even wince. He just laughed and kicked Johnny to the floor "We can do alot to you kid." He smiled "Run Y/N." Johnny whimpered I shook my head. "Run!"He yelled.

The other Two men started sprinting towards me, I booked it, but not for very long. I was sick, my legs gotten weak and I fell to the floor wheezing. The laughed and grabbed me, throwing me into their van, I looked to see Johnny was unconscious beside me.

Gusse the nightmare hasn't ended yet and this time it would be worse.

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