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Ponyboys Pov:

Blood everywhere,the men were dead. The Officers started looking around the scene.
"Y/N!" I called looking around the basement, she wasn't here, nowhere. My heart was raising faster. What if she's dead? I was starting to breath heavily, my chest was tightening.
"Ponyboy, You alright?" Soda asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. "She's not here....She's gone...What if she's dead Soda? It's my fault." Tears streamed down my face as I tried catching my breath "No, Ponyboy it's not your fault, we'll find her trust me." Soda comforted

My mom hugged me tightly as she strike my hair. "It's gonna be alright, let's just go upstairs and let the officers look for her okay?" She said softly I nodded. She walked me upstairs and took me to the car. I leaned my head against the window. She's gone. We lost her again. Just like that.

I glanced at some bushes to see them moving. I shrugged thinking it was a squirrel or something. But it was making to much movement to be a squirrel.

I suddenly seen a beaten up girl struggling to stand up, whimpering but it wasn't just any girl it was Y/N.

With no hesitation I jumped out of the car running towards her.
"Y/N! GUYS I FOUND HER!" I yelled to the ambulance. They quickly followed with a stretcher. I kneeled down at the scared girl, she had tears in her eyes. "Y/N, I'm sorry." I sighed, she just shook her head, bursting into tears. She hugged me tightly bawling.

My firend was alright now. Safe in my arms. There's nothing to worry about now. There nothing to worry about...The thought of that made me feel relieved.

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