"Do You Talk?" The Red head slapped my head "Leave me alone." I mumbled, Trying to get past them, Suddenly The blonde haired woman pushed me against the wall hard. "Let's have some fun girls." She laughed.
I looked around and seen a glass bottle lying on the floor. Before she could slug me, I dodged it as I pulled her hair. I then grabbed the glass bottle, breaking the bottom half, showing the sharp edges.
The women all pulled out their blades, looking pissed.
I knew if I didn't defend myself I'd be killed, So it's ride or die.

I ran towards them as I slashed the blonde with the sharp edge, I didn't know but the Red head was right behind me, She cut me on the back I yelped in pain.
I turned around, kicking her face, causing her to fall back. I turned to her and cut her deep on her arm.

"We're gonna Kill You for That Bitch!" One of them yelled as they ran towards me. I put the glass bottle out, she ran into the sharp edges causing it to go in her skin. They all looked at me in shock, I smirked for a moment, Until I realized what I had just done. The glass bottle was sitting there stuck on her rib as the woman was crying, Blood pouring. I ran off as fast as I could.

I ran into my room and sat on my bed, hugging a pillow, I looked at my shaking hands in disbelief. I had nearly killed a woman, What was I thinking? I would never do someone like that. I looked over to see the letter I hadn't read yet that Ponyboy had sent. I opened it and started to read.

Hey Y/N,

Are you alright? Me and the gang are awful worried, We had seen a drop of your blood and tears on the letter. I hope you are, Anyways I just wanted to say we miss you and We promised we'll find a way to get you back home soon.

Your Firend,
Ponyboy Curtis

I sat on my desk and started to write.


I don't know what's gotten into me, Today I was fighting against three grown women, I had a glass bottle and I stabbed a women with it, What's happening to me? I'm scared! This place is not doing any good to me. I wish I never stabbed that woman,
I wish I could be with you guys, Safe, No worries.
I miss you guys.


I put it in an envelope and placed it on the desk nicely laying on my bed, I slowly fell asleep, Knowing things ain't gonna get any better soon.

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