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I woke up to it being daytime, the smell and taste of weed still roaming around the van.
"Boy you sure were tired." The man smiled "Sure did sleep good though." I slowly sat up. He handed me a weed and lit it for me. "Well, We're in Arizona right now." The woman said "where we're we before?"  "Louisiana"
"Shit those men took be far from Chicago." I mumbled
'I bet when I was asleep we passed Tusla.'

I groaned in frustration, "You alright kid?" The woman asked
"Yeah, I'm fine." I sighed
"Hey Kid do you drink?"
I shook my head no "Wanna try?"
I stood there for a moment, I didn't care anymore "Sure, Why not." I took the bottle and started to drink my troubles away. Why should it matter? I'm far from Home, we're gonna be in California in thirty minutes. So Fuck it.

Ponyboys Pov:

"How far are we from California?" I asked
"Well we're in Arizona so, I'll say about...thirty Minutes away." Twobit sighed I nodded
"Hey Twobit, I'm really sorry but, I it alright we take the next stop to a gas station?" Johnny asked "Sure, I need to fuel this bad boy up anyway." 
A couple of moments later we were in a gas station. I went with Johnny to use th bathroom as Twobit put gas in the car.
As we walked back to the car I seen a girl who looked like Y/N hurling in a trash can. I walked up to Twobit "Doesn't that girl look like Y/N?" I asked Twobit looked over
"Yeah, but why would she be hanging with a bunch of hippies, she'd go solo."
"It's probably just in my head." I sighed going in the car. We then drove off. I hope we find her soon.

Y/N's Pov:

I regret drinking alcohol, I wad now throwing up in a trash can in the Gas Station, people looking at me with disgust.
My head was pounding hard and I felt sick to my stomach.
When I had finished, I looked to see a familiar car pass by.
'Can that be Ponyboy?' I wasn't able to see through the window due to it being dark out.
I shrugged it off and walked back in the van. "Here drink this it'll do you good." The man said "What is it?"
"Just water." He smiled
I sighed looking out the window
"You alright kid?"
"Yeah...Just missing some firends." I sighed. I lied my head in the cold window watching trees slowly pass by I gusse when I get to California I gotta get to the next bus to Tusla.

I couldn't stop but think about the car that looked like Twobits. Could it be them? Were they out looking for me? I'm not sure. But they'd never go looking all over the country for me....Would they?

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