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I was coughing up blood as I was beat with a metal bat.
"Fuck you."I whimpered
"Back at ya,bitch." Jed laughed as he swung the bat harder, knocking the wind out of me.
I need to get out of here...Fast.

Twobit's Pov:

I drove around looking left from right around the Grease and soc territory. No luck.
I had finally decided to go around the middle class, I went drove through seven blocks and there it was, A clear sign that Y/N was there. The same white truck sat in the front of the house. I quickly grabbed a peice of paper to write down the street address and sped to the police station. I gave then the location and quickly went to the nearest payphone to call the gang.

"Hello?" Soda awnsered
"Come to the police station quickly."I said  "Why? Did you guys find Y/N?" "We're going to." "Alright, we'll be there." Soda then hung up.
I waited by walking around the building as I smoked a cigarette, which I rarely do.
I was in a panic, those men are  probably doing something awful to her. She's been through enough as it is, the world's always hard on Y/N and I k own she doesn't deserve the kinda pain she's been getting.

There was a honk that broke Me out of my daze. It was the gang. "Let's go!" Soda yelled from the window. I gave a thumbs up as I walked towards my car. The police were already on their way so now we just had to follow them to the location Y/N is at.

We parked right infront of The house with the same white van parked in the driveway. The police bagged on the door yelling, demanding orders as the ambulance started to pull in. Everything was loud following the worries rushing in my head.

There we suddenly Three loud gunshots, I put my hand on Ponyboys shoulder. He had tears in his eyes, worried for his close firend who was like a young sister. Just before I knew it. He started sprinting to the house. "Ponyboy!" I called, he didn't listen he just kept his way into the crime scene, Darry, Soda and Ms.Curtis followed.

Ponyboys Pov:

I couldn't take this waiting any longer. The moment I heard those gunshots, I knew that could be anyone who got shot. I ran into the house ignoring the gangs calls. I ran downstairs towards the basement. I stopped in my tracks Horrified of what was infront of me.

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