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Twobit's Pov:

I was speeding throught the streets to the nearest hospital, which was far from us since we were in the middle of nowhere. Ponyboy had Y/N in his arms in the back seat. That kid sure did surprise me when he told those socs off. Never knew he'd do something like that.
"How far are we from the hospital?" Johnny asked
"I'm not sure, We're probably am hour away." I sighed
"Damn the kids dying back there, she's covered in blood and bruises." Dallas said
"Well I'm doing the best I can"
"Jesus I wished this never happened." Ponyboy mumbled
"How's her pulse?"
Ponyboy placed his finger on the side of her neck, The car was dead silent. "Its Slowing down." His voice cracked
"Twobit you drive like a grandmother." Dallas scoffed
"Well I ain't looking for no ticket."
"Who gives a shit drive like the cars going into flames!" Dally yelled "Fine I will!" I steoed on the gas and off we went. "See ain't that bad." Dallas smirked.

Suddenly there were flashing lights, The Fuzz. I pulled over
"Yeah sure real nice, I'm gonna get a ticket." I sighed
"Well we have a reason." Dally gestured to Y/N. The officer
Knocked on the window, I put the window down, giving him a cheesey smile. "Where's the fire?" He asked "our firend got hit by a car and we need to go to the nearest hospital." I said, He looked as if he didn't believe me until he shined the light to the back. "Shit." He whispered "I'll escort you kids." He turned off his flashlight and went back into his car. I looked at Dallas, he had a smirk on his face.

"Is that why you wanted me to speed?" I asked "Hey, It works every time." I shook my head and we followed the officer.

Now with his help we made it to the hospital in thirty minutes, doesn't sound much of a progress but it's better than being stuck on traffic.

We thanked the Officer besides Dallas and went into the emergency room, With one glimpse at Y/N, Everyone scrambled around and took her into a room. And Now we needed to wait.

I decided to try to get in contact with Darry, I tried nearly every motel cell service there was until I finally found the one. "Hello?" "Hey Darry it's Twobit." "Did you guys find Y/N?" "Yeah."
"Is she alright?" "No, We're in the hospital right now in California when we found her she got hit by a car from some socs." "Shit." He mumbled "We're gonna be on our way, Thanks Twobit." "No problem." I then hung up and walked back to Ponyboy, Dallas and Johnny. Darry and the rest would be here by tomorrow since they were all the way in Texas.
We sat there silently waiting for the doctor to tell us how bad it is.

Nearly a whole hour later she walked in. "Family of Y/N L/N." She announced, we all stood up, She looked at us and looked at her clipboard. "Alright, Y/N seems to be in critical condition, She has both of her ribs broken, a broken leg, broken arm, a huge gash in her abdomen, we had to give her some blood, she also has a concussion and is in shock, She is awake but seems not to be talking to us at all."
"May we see her?" Ponyboy asked
"Yes, you may but she might not respond, I don't know...it may be because she wants to talk to people she knows or some trauma. Anyway follow me." We all followed her into the room.

Ponyboys Pov:

Y/N was pale as paste, When we walked in she slowly moved her head looking at us with a pained expression. I kneeled down to her and gave her a sad smile "Hey Y/N, How are you feeling." I asked, She didn't say anything her eyes just welled up into tears and she busted out crying. I hugged her tightly "It's alright, Your safe now." I said softly
"I missed You guys." Her voice sounded hoarse. "So she does talk." The doctor smiled before she walked out of the room.

I tried pulling away from her hug but she had hugged me tighter, she was shivering under my arms. Gosh something traumatic must've happened to her. I sat besides her on the bed and she laid her head on my chest, Silently sobbing until she fell asleep.

"Something awful must've happened to her." Twobit spoke my thoughts "Yeah, I just hope she's back to normal soon." I sighed "I don't think she will." Dally said
"At least she's safe now."
I looked down at her, She seemed to be more peaceful than when we saw her. Everything will be fine now.

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