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I woke up with a pain on my head, I groaned placing my hand on my head. I wasn't in the van anymore. I was in a dark room, I assumed a basement for there was small window with the sunlight shining straight to my eyes. I was lying on the cold hard floor. 'Just what I needed after all of the shit I've been through'

The light suddenly turned on to reveal three grown men, one of them being that no good lying son of a bitch. "Pretty lady's awake" he smiled "Fuck off!" I yelled "Oh, she's feisty, just how I like em." One of the men walked up to me and touched my hair I slapped his hand away and got up. "What are you guys gonna do to me?" I asked shaking in fear. "What all kidnappers do." A man hissed I shook my head as I backed away slowly from them, They all walked towards me with smiles on their faces. On was holding a bat and the other was taking of their belt, unbuttoning their pants...The rest would traumatize me for as long as I lived....

Ponyboy's Pov:

"That's it I'm looking for her!" Twobit got up grabbing his keys "Twobit that'll take Days...Even weeks to find her." Darry said "I don't care how long it takes! She could be hurt!" He protested "But Tw-"
"He's right." I interrupted
Everyone looked at me I got up walking up to Twobit "I'll go with you, The more we just sit here the more danger she's putting herself in, Sitting here moping our asses off won't solve this problem." Twobit mumbled a thank you "well...If you guys are going ,mine as well Ill go." Darry stood up, One by one everyone insisted on helping, My Mom looked at us proudly and Said she'd help to.
'We're coming Y/N, Well find you, if it's the Last thing we do. No matter how long it takes, WE Will Find You'

Y/N's Pov:

All three of the men laughed as I was sobbing lying on the cold hard floor. 'Why does this happened to me?'
"Had a good time tonight?" One of them laughed putting their pants back on. I shivered.
I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I could only cry.
"Batter up Bitch!" The other man hit me hard with the bat he was holding, He hit me harder on the bruises I had. "Fuck You, Fuck You!" I cried
The man hit me harder in the head making me dizzy.
"Let's see whatcha got in this backpack of yours." The Neon blue eye man said opening it.
"Well look fellas it's coke! Where did a kid your age get something like that?"
I didn't awnser "Well boys we're gonna get the big bucks!" He laughed they all walked upstairs leaving me all alone.
Flashbacks of what happened came to me. I cried harder.
I couldn't take this anymore, I knew if I stay here I'd die, I need to get out of here fast.

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