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"Welcome To California! The Blonde yelled in excitement
The rest of the hippies hollered in excitement, I just sat there shivering, I had a nightmare, I couldn't quiet remember it. All I remember is waking up in a cold sweat, shaking like a leaf.

I grabbed a weed, trying to sooth myself. These things sure were addicting, No wonder Ponyboy loves cigarettes.
"Is it alright if you guys stop here, I'm were I wanna be." I sighed The Van stopped and the woman looked at me worried
"You sure, You can stay with us for now." "No, it's alright I don't wanna be a burden to anyone." "Suit yourself, Happy Travels kid." The man opened the door for me. "Hey!" He yelled I turned around and he tossed me a whole pack of weed
"Stay Cool." He smiled
"Thanks." I put the weeds in my pocket and walked on the side of the road. I headed the opportunity way from California, I honestly wished that I left earlier, Maybe the trip wouldn't be so hard then.
I looked down on the floor as I walked, Suddenly there was honking, I looked up. My heart dropped a car was heading straight towards me. Before I could move everything went black.

Ponyboys Pov:

"Welp we're in California now." Twobit sighed "I'm so tired" I yawned "kid you don't know what tired is." He laughed
"Yeah right." I looked out the window, Nothing but desert, Sand, Cactus and The sun slowly rising. I looked in awe. Many Y/N is watching the sunrise too.

"Oh, Shit!" Twobit yelled swerving the car. "What?" I jumped "There's an accident, almost hit that mustang."
I looked over, A girl was hit by a car. I found it funny how now every girl looks like Y/N.
I took another glimpse.
Wait, That Is Y/N!
"Twobit stop the car!" I yelled
Twobit pressed the breaks and I jumped out, Johnny followed.
"What the hell kid!" Twobit ran after us. I looked down, I felt sick to my stomach. She was beaten bad. The left side of her face burned, bruise that were green and yellow spread across her body , she was bleeding awful lot.
"No." I whispered
"Shit kid why did yo-" Twobit stopped looking down, I watched as his face slowly turned green
'She's dying.' I thought in fear. "Did you guys call the ambulance?" Twobit asked the two socs "Why should we? We don't know this kid."
"For God's Sake She's Bleeding to Death, Don't you Have A Fucking Heart!?" I yelled causing everyone to jump up, Dallas walked up to them and started going off on them.

I leaned over to feel her pulse, it's fading. Tears well up in my eyes. "Twobit, Help me take her to the car, we gotta take her to the hospital." I said, Twobit and Johnny helped me take her to the car Leaving the two socs in the road.
Please don't die Y/N, Please don't die....

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