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Johnny's pov:

I was lying on the hard gravel as I watched the white van drive away from the distance. 'Why Did Y/N say that? Now she's gonna get it bad.' I tried getting up but fell back down.

"JOHNNY!!" I heard a familiar voice say, I couldn't quiet figure who it was. I looked up to see it wad Soda and the rest, but Ponyboy and Dallas weren't there. Soda grabbed me tightly "It's gonna be alright, your alright." He said softly.
I tried to speak but only groaned. Darry picked me up and they carried me to the truck.

"Where's" -I felt awful- "Where's Ponyboy and Dally?" I asked "Back at the house." Soda replied. I sighed and closed my eyesI slowly drifted off.

Ponyboys Pov:

Dally was pacing back and forth looking real worried and pissed
"We should've went!" He yelled
"Don't worry Dal, I'm sure they found something." I sighed
"What makes you think that?"
I looked out the window to see Darry rushing in with a limp Johnny "This." I sighed as Darry walked in, I jumped out of the couch as he placed Johnny down on the couch.
"Shit...Johnny!" Dallas rushed over to him "I thought they took him." I said "Y/N...She...She said I they'd let me go they cand do whatever they want to do to her." Johnny said suddenly "do you know where they have her?" I asked
"No...The blindfolded me as they threw me back to an alleyway."
"How are we gonna find her now?" Twobit asked
"I gusse we're just gonna have to wait." My Mom sighed
"I'm not gonna go sit here and wait, knowing she's suffering." Soda said "I'm gonna go look for her again." Twobit got up and left.

Y/N's Pov:

"Alrighty, hope you enjoyed tonight, Your up for a next round in an hour Missy." Jed laughed I lied on the floor speechless, I couldn't move anymore. "I'm gonna go play some ball though." His firend grabbed a bat and swung it hard to my stomach.

These men are gonna kill me.

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