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Ponyboys Pov:

I woke up to my head aching "Ponyboy....Ponyboy wake up kid." Dallas shook me, I tried speaking but groaned in pain.
Dallas helped me up, I looked to see a switchblade against him arm, blood dripping.
"Your bleeding." I gasped
"Well that ain't our worries...Those bitches kidnapped Johnny and Y/N." He sounded real pissed. "Shit." I muttered "C'mon, we gotta tell the others." Dallas dragged me to the house.

"Hey Kids, how was the- Oh My Dear!" My mom ran towards Dallas in a panic. "Ponyboy get the first Aid kit." I nodded and ran to get the kit. When I handed it to her I sat besides Dallas. "What on earth happened?" She asked "Y/N, Dally, Johnny and I were on our way to the drive in and those men who kidnapped Y/N...They took Y/N again, following with Johnny." I explained
My mom gasped "We have to call the cops!" I nodded in agreement Soda, Darry, Twobit and Steve came in, stopping in their tracks seeing Mom bandage Dallas up. "What happened?" Soda asked "Y/N and Johnny got kidnapped by those men." Dallas muttered "I'm calling the cops." Darry went to the phone and started dialing the number.

My Mom looked at me, her blue eyes saddened and worried with great fear. "Ponyboy your heads bleeding." Soda said touching the back of my head, I winced in pain. "Really?" I asked
"Look." He showed the blood on his fingers "Oh." "Pepsi-Cola can you please get an ice pack for him?" My mom asked Soda nodded and came back with an ice pack.

"They said they're gonna go looking for them." Darry put his hands in his pockets as he walked in the living room
"We should help." Twobit suggested "Your right, They shouldn't have gone to far if this happened today."
Everyone got up including me and Dallas, We tried heading to the door but we're stopped
"You two are in no condition to go walking around town." Darry said "C'mon man." Dally begged
"Dallas, if you find then they'd recognize you. They haven't seen us so I say you stay here." My Mom said, Dally nodded and sat back down on the couch, I grabbed a book and sat on the armchair.

Where can they be....

Y/N's Pov:

"STOP! PLEASE! YOUR HURTING HIM!" I begged, The three men had Johnny tied up, they started beating him until he was unconscious once again, I got up, trying to make them stop but they just pushed me away "Please, if you stop hurting him, I'll let you do whatever you want to me! Just stop!" I cried they all stoped and looked at me "Ya really mean that?" One asked I nodded
"If you let him go, I promise he won't tell anyone."
They all looked at eachother
"Jed, I want you to put a sack over his head and put him back where we go him, so he won't tell anyone where we're at." The man said "Sure thing Will." Jed said, He grabbed Johnny and did as he said. "Y/N..." Johnny whimpered I walked towards him
"It's alright Johnny, things will be alright."I said softly
Will grabbed me and swung me against the wall, the smell of achole stung my nose. "This is gonna be a real treat." He laughed.

I gulped and hoped soon the gang would find me before things got worse....

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