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Ponyboy's Pov:
I watched as the sun was slowly rising up into the blue,golden sky. It's been about two days since Y/N had told us she was running away. We've all been worried since. Twobit had insisted to go out of the state and go looking for her, But he then realized she could be anywhere in the country. I just wished she sent us letters every now and then, telling us which state she's at, where we should meet. If she never moved she'd never be in this situation in the first place.

Who knows what's happening, She's probably hurt in the other end of New York, Kidnapped, I just can't help but worry, Gosh if I had my own driver's license I'd be driving all around the country till I find her. I just hope she's safe....

Y/N's Pov:

It was now daytime the streets of Chicago were loud and crowded with people, I tried looking for some place that had a map or something to help me get outta this place. I walked around in a Daze.
Moments to later I found myself walking through a corn field.
'Gosh how long have I been walking?' I turned around to see the buildings of Chicago were now small. I shrugged it off and believed I was going the correct way.

A van then stopped besides me. My heart dropped. I can't be kidnapped. I need to be in Tusla. "Hey Kid." A southern voice said. I continued walking. Pretending I couldn't hear him. "Kid." He continued training me. "Need a lift?"
"I'm alright thanks for the offer." I said in a friendly but terrified voice.
"Where you heading?" He asked, I stopped and looked at him, He looked like a friendly man actually, Seemed to be in his forties, Dirty blonde long hair, Neon blue eyes and a beard."Tusla. " I gulped
"I'm from Tusla." He smiled "Prove it." I stiffly said. He grabbed his wallet and showed me his ID "Check my Plate, It says Oklahoma."
I looked to see he was right.
"You ain't no kidnapper?"
"Hell no! Why would I be? Got a beautiful wife and three children. That's better than doing those Awful things."
"Gosh, I'm sorry...I'm kinda on the ruff end right now." I sighed feeling awful for being so prejudice.

"It's alright...Anywho, still wanna ride?" "If you don't mind." I said hopping into the van. The doors immediately locked and my stomach turned as the man laughed evily. "You are one gullible bitch." He smiled
"Shit." I whispered to myself before I was met by a peaceful darkness.

Really sorry for the short chapter and I'm awful sorry fotlr how long it took I was kinda stuck on some parts but anyway Hope you guys have a great rest of your day Stay Gold 🐴💛🌅

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