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I woke up to Twobit, Johnny, Dallas and Steve hovering over me. "Morning sleepy head!" Twobit smiled, "can anyone get alittle privacy in this house?" I groaned as I put a pillow over my head. "Privacy? Never heard of that word." Steve joked. I sighed and put the pillow away from my face, Sitting up. "You get another fight with your folks?" Dallas asked "Yeah." I sighed scratching around the bandage.
"What for this time?" Johnny asked "I tried emptying out all of thier beers, Didn't go so well then."
"I did that once...Was the most worst idea I ever made." Johnny sighed. Johnny who was the underdog of our gang had it awful hard with his folks, Almost as worse as mine, He doesn't deserve it though, He has such a kind heart, yet he gets treated awful at his home. Sometimes, he sleeps on the couch like me or he sleeps in the lot.

"What do you think they were gonna do after that reward you? Y/N, you don't do those stuff. That's one of the most biggest mistakes you can ever make man! picking a fight with your own folks." Dallas said
Dallas, who we call Dally was the toughest person we knew. He was well know in Tusla but not in a good way. That kid causes trouble everywhere he goes.
"They sure did reward me alright..." I mumbled

Ms.Curtis walked in wearing a robe over her night gown
Her blonde locks were so neat as if she hadn't sleep.
"Morning, Boys, Morning Y/N." She yawned
"Morning Ms.Curtis" we all said at the same time. "Want some breakfast?" She asked
"I'm starving." Twobit smiled
Ms.Curtis walked to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast.
Steve already had Chocolate cake in his hands stuffing his mouth in it. I like to think Steve as the enthusiastic, stunt man kinda guy, He always has so much energy and can't help but holler and do back flips and cartwheels once in awhile. He's been good buds with Soda since gradschool, which was honestly a match made from heaven, I always thought they were meant to be firends.

I got up and walked into the kitchen. "Need any help Ms.Curtis?" I asked
"Oh I'd love an extra hand, Can you get me the eggs in the icebox?" She asked nicely.
I nodded, Before I could get to the icebox, Twobit was already there rummaging through the icebox for a beer.
"Twobit, no beer in the morning hone." Ms. Curtis said
"Oh, Yeah...Sorry Ms.Curtis" Twobit said as he moves from the icebox.
Twobit was kinda the clown in the gang, he'd always make jokes around town and wisecracking to everyone he sees, even the fuzz. He was the kinda person Who'd make your day by insulting about your pants or something.

I grabbed the eggs and started cracking them into a bowl.
"Thank you so much Y/N, I can handle it from here, you can go and hang out with the boys."
"No, It's alright, I can make breakfast, it's a thank you for helping me last night." I smiled "Well, alright then." She gave a soft smile and left to the living room.

By the time everyone else was awake, Breakfast was ready.
"Y/N, Your starting to have great cooking skills like my Mom." Ponyboy complimented
"Thanks." I smiled
"So, I was planning to head out to the Movie house today with Johnny, Anyone wanna come?"
"I can." I said
"Well, We better get going before the showtime is up." Pony said as he walked to the living room.
"Be careful alright?" Ms.Curtis said "Alright." We the then walked out into the movie house.

We walked through the streets of Tusla, A nice cool breeze blew as the sun was shining down at us. The Movie house was only about ten minutes away if you went by car but since we were walking the walk summed up to thirty. "Want one?" Ponyboy offered a cigarette.
"Ponyboy I think you should stop smoking so much, it's really gonna mess with your lungs in the future, And I don't think Ms.Curtis approves it anyway." I said
"I'd die if I stopped smoking." Ponyboy lit up a cigarette and blew out the smoke "You'll die if you continue smoking." I sighed "That sure is right." Johnny mumbled. We had made it to the movie house, it was a Paul Newman film, of course since Pony kinda idolized the Actor.

The movie had finished and just as we got out of the Movie House, Dallas was high tailing It from the fuzz with a load of money in his hands. "Well, I gusse he's gonna get into the cooler now huh?" I sighed
"Yeah, Damn it I tell him to quit doing these stuff but he doesn't listen." Johnny complained "It ain't your fault." Ponyboy sighed
"It's useless what he's doing right there, is all I mean." Johnny sighed as he kicked a pebble on the floor.

We walked to the lot and sat down besides eachother. We looked up at the sky, The clouds were a fluffy white as the sky was a light blue.
We sat and talked for hours as the sun was slowly falling.
It was nearly dark when we had decided to go back to the Curtis house. As we were passing my house My Mother came out of the house holding a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I seen as Ponyboy stiffened and Johnny looked in great fear. "Hello, Linda." I said coldly, I never called her Mom, Ever since I was seven I started to call her by her first name. "Slut...Hanging with boys, only boys." She slurred Ponyboy was about to say something but I just gave him a stare as he closed his mouth again. "Well, Y/N, You better enjoy it while it lasts, Me and Your Father decided we'll be moving away to New York." "What?!" I didn't want to believe what she just said.
She just laughed as she stumbled back into the house.
"No...This can't be happening." I said in disbelief, tears were starting to make my vision blur. "You can't move." Ponyboy said "That's not up to me Ponyboy, I gusse I'm stuck with another miserable life with those two jack asses beating me. I'd rather die."
"We'll find a way to solve this." Johnny said
"I don't think you can." I sighed. Everything seemed hopless once again. I shivered at the thought of living with my parents with no where to go. A life without The Curtis Family, An life without people who cared for me... it Seemed to be just a nightmare and now that nightmare was coming to life in front of my very eyes.

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