After the dreadful twenty two hours of driving we had finally made it to New York, It wasn't the nice part either, There were crackles of gunshots from afar, police sirens, and Rumbles wherever you went.
I remembereded when Dally told me about New York, It was more worse than I had imagined. I was terrified to be honest, Tusla was better than this place.

My Mother lit a cigarette and started smoking, I couldn't help to cough at the smell of smoke. I opened the window and tried getting a hold of fresh air. "Close the fucking window it's cold out." My Father demanded "But it's Eighty degrees out." I reasoned
"Close the window or I'll throw you out of the car."
"More better than being in the car with you two." I mumbled as I closed the window.
"Don't get smart with us Y/N." My Mother said, She turned to me and puffed some smoke right in my face making me cough harder. She laughed and turned back to her seat.

Not to many minutes later we had made it to an old, rusty, dirty four story building, People around doing nearly every drug in the book, Drug dealers and Drug addicts like my Parents. I jumped out of the car "What apartment are we in?" I asked "Top floor, you figure it yourself." My Father threw the keys at me. I sighed and went to the top floor, trying to fit the key in each apartment room. There was a man in the corner who looked like a mess, sitting next to the window of the hallway hitting on me. I went faster wanting to lock myself in a room from these maniacs.

The man suddenly got up and started to sprint towards me yelling like a animal, Luckily I unlocked the apartment door and ran into our new "Home", locking the door behind me. The man was now banging on the door. "Open Up Pretty Lady!" He yelled. I ignored him and went to a small room that was most likely mine, It had a rickety bed with no covers, a wooden desk and chair and a lamp with a broken light bulb. Instead o of the walls being white, it was a tint of yellow due to the nicotine from all of the cigarettes people smoke ld in here.

I threw my backpack on the bed and grabbed a pen and paper, sitting on the desk. I started to write my first letter to Ponyboy.

Hey Ponyboy,

I just made it to the apartment, I miss you guys...You know how Dally explained how New York was and how we'd tell eachother how dangerous it sounded...well we were right, it's worse than expected.
I mean, I know New York ain't that bad but, this side of New York is awful, Drug addicts, Drug dealers, Gang Fights, Gunshots, I don't think I'll make it out alive Pony!
Tell the gang and Ms.Curtis I miss them alot.

Your Firend,

Suddenly there was banging on the door. I jumped up, realizing I had just locked my parents out of the apartment. "Shit." I whispered
I opened the door looking down at my shoes.
"Sorry I-" My Mom swung a glass bottle on my head causing it to break. I fell to the floor, barley able to think. "Bitch." She mumbled. "Clean this mess up." My Father kicked me.
I held in my tears, I held in my pain, I got up, nearly stumbling to the floor.
I felt the cold blood slowly dripping down my face. My head thumping, the stinging pain growing stronger. I picked up the glass and threw it away, I walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I looked at myself in the mirror, Noticing a small peice of glass stuck on my head. I slowly took it out, I felt sick to my stomach. New York wasn't going to be the death of me.... My Parents were.

After cleaning myself up and locked my self I'm my room and Sat back down looking at the letter I just wrote, I drop of blood and tears hitting the paper. I needed tk write one more important message to Ponyboy it was only two simple words.
Send Help.

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