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I sat down in the dark corner of the basement hopless. I tried opening the door but of courseit was Locked shut. What's the point of this? I've been through enough, But I gusse its not enough to the world, The world believes I need more pain, more fear, to cry until there's no more tears left, Why Does the world want from me?

"Hey bitch ready for another round?" The man slurred he held a switchblade. I didn't say a thing, didn't move a muscle, there's no way of escaping now. I gusse I just wait....

Ponyboys Pov:

We all had decided to split up, Darry, My Mom, Steve and Soda headed to Texas whole Twobit, Johnny, Dallas and headed for California. Since it's been about four days, we'd assume she was close to Oklahoma, Or so we hoped she was.

We were about twenty two hours from California, which would really be a hell of a long drive. We decided to take no stops, Only for food though because if we didn't Twobit would be a monster.

We just hoped we find her soon. So she can be safe, happy, and be apart of our family. For good.

Y/N's Pov:

When the guys finished I was laying in the floor silent, looking out the small window, It wad night. They must've been sleeping.I tossed over to see the switchblade they used to cut me all over as they were... I don't want to explain.

I grabbed it, flipping it open.
If I got up, nearly falling due to how weak I felt. When I gained balance and strength I used the switchblade to break the window, making a loud shattering noise, I used a chair they had to help me up, The glass slowly scraping my skin making me wince in pain, but I didn't care, I needed to get out of this place.As I was crawling out I heard the men yelling, coming downstairs.

One of them grabbed my foot, I kicked them hard in the nose causeing their grip to losen I got up and started running as fast as I could. I ran through a highway as in coming traffic came along, Cars honking at me. I had no clue where I was. But it's better than stay with those perverted asswholes.

Suddenly a painted van stopped infront of me. Making me stop in my tracks. The door slid open to show abunch of hippies.
"Hey Kid need a ride?"
I was about to deny it but I suddenly heard those men that kidnapped me "Get that Bitch before she gets in with those Hippies!" One of them yelled
I jumped in and we drove off.

"You look like shit kid." A man with long hair and a long beard said as he smoked weed. "Heard that plenty of times." I sighed
"Those men after you?" The woman who was driving asked
"Yeah...I was kidnapped, Beaten, Raped, And before that happen I ran away my mom and dad are child abusers."
"Damn, no wonder." The blonde blew a perfect ring.
"Want one?" She asked, "Heck why not." I grabbed one. I never considered smoking nor drinking or any kind of drug, but I needed to clear my mind from all of the shit I've been through.

As I took my first puff, my mind cleared, The pain I felt was gone, My tension had left completely and everything felt fine. "So, Where you guys headed?" I asked
"California." "Cooool." I slurred. I didn't care where I was going at that point, I was just glad I was safe. Even though I was in a van with a couple of hippies. But they were nice people. So it was fine. I felt myself slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

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