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Y/N's Pov:

I was running as fast as I could in a endless dark alleyway the moonlight shinning down. "GET THAT BITCH!" My Mother yelled "C'MON HERE YOU LITTLE BASTARD WE AINT GONNA BITE!" The one man who had raped me yelled I kept running, not looking back.

The endless alleyway turned into a top of a building, I wasn't able to stop and soon I was falling down from thousands of feet.

Before I made contact I woke up tied to a chair, in a dark room. "Hello?" I yelled
Soon laughter came along, it was those kidnappers, I shook my head no as a tear fell down.
"Please...Please don't." I whimpered they started taking off their clothes and touched me places that made me go into shock. I couldn't scream no matter how hard I tried, I could only suffer in silence.

"Y/N! Wake up." Ponyboy shook me lightly I fluttered my eyes open, His grey green eyes looked at me sympatheticly as he wiped my tears away.
"Ponyboy." More Tears welled up in my face "Yeah?" He asked softly "I'm scared!" I sobbed Ponyboy grasped me into his arms "Scared of what?"
"Those men!" "What men?"

I pulled away from his hug and looked around the room Twobit, Johnny and Dallas looked at me with the same concern expression as Ponyboy.
"When I was trying to find my way to Tusla, I got kidnapped."
"What?" Ponyboy asked in shock
"What did those men do to you?"
"I don't wanna say...They- They did awful things Ponyboy, things I can't get off my mind." I cried harder
"Oh Y/N, I'm so sorry." Ponyboy had tears in his eyes and hugged me once again. I looked over Dallas looked pissed so did Twobit and Johnny looked at me with pity.

I wiped away my tears in a hurry and gave a sad smile, I don't wanna cause any trouble, I don't wanna seem weak, My head was racing with millions of thoughts, I reached for a weed and lit it with a lighter, I took a puff and the thoughts seemed to simmer down. Ponyboy looked at me in disbelief.
"What?" I asked "You never smoke." Ponyboy said "Well, I gusse I do now." I sighed taking another puff. "But, didn't you say it's bad for the lungs?" Johnny asked "I gusse so." Ponyboy took the weed from me and put it out "Please, don't do this to yourself Y/N." Pony begged "Fine, I won't"
"Promise me." He said seriously
"I promise."

There was a comfortable silence that had went for about twenty minutes, I lied on Ponyboys chest (we're just firends.)
There was a knock on the door and in walked in Darry, Soda, Steve and Ms.Curtis. Ponyboy jumped out of the bed and Ms.Curtis gasped at the way I looked. I must've looked awful for the second she saw me she cried on my shoulder as she grasped me into her loving arms.

"Thank heaven your alright." She cried "I missed you guys." My voice was quivering, I had then realized I was cry again.
She pulled away from my hug and touched the left side of my face where I had my burn, I didn't hurt and I honestly forgot about it "How did this happen?" She asked "My mom, she hit me with a burning pan, that's why I ran away, I had it with them, If I stood there I would've died." I sniffed
"Those sons of bitches ain't gonna hurt to no more." Steve patted me on the back.

The Doctor said I'd be here for about four days till my abdomen would heal and that would be about when I can head back to Tusla.

Those days seemed to drag but everyone seemed to chip into cheering me up Twobit would tell me jokes, Soda bought a deck of cards so we could all play poker even though there was nothing to bet for. Ponyboy read me poems and Johnny did too and Ms.Curtis comforted me the whole time.

Soon I found myself leving tho hospital with the ones who truly cared about me, driving our way back to my real home...Tusla.

Goodbye nightmare, hello daydreams

Every is gonna be fine, no more worries, no more stress.
Or so I thought....

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