Ponyboy's Pov:


I don't know what's gotten into me, Today I was fighting against three grown women, I had a glass bottle and I stabbed a women with it, What's happening to me? I'm scared! This place is not doing any good to me. I wish I never stabbed that woman,
I wish I could be with you guys, Safe, No worries.
I miss you guys.

Y/N L/N......." I sighed and looked up to the gang, "Things ain't getting better for her." I put the letter down on the table. "Of course it ain't." Steve said taking another bite into some cake.
"This is what I expected." Dally said cooly
"What do you mean?"
"In New York, When your a kid like Y/N is, you know... the sensitive type, You have two choices, toughen up or get killed... seems like she chose to toughen up."

Soda got up in frustration and banged on the wall, causing everyone to look at him, he had tears in his eyes, he looked broken. "We g-gotta do something, We can't lose her." Soda chocked out.I stood up and hugged him."We will...I have a plan." "A plan, what plan?" Twobit asked.

I sat back down on the couch and looked at everyone."So, You know how Y/N's parents sells drugs." They all nodded
"Well, I can tell Y/N to get some evidence, you know take their drugs, without getting any of her finger prints on it and hide it, then she reports it to the Fuzz." "Good plan little buddy." Darry ruffled my hair. "C'mon Boy Get Writing!" Twobit handed me a peice of paper and pen.

I have a plan that'll get you out of there and back to us.
It's only three simple things I need you to do.

1. Get any kind of evidence of you parents selling drugs, without getting your fingerprints in the evidence

2. Report it to the cops

3. Go to the next bus that goes to Tusla, write to me before you go.

I know this plan sounds far fetched but it's worth a try.
We miss you and Y/N, don't make that place change you, It doesn't mean if you did something bad one time that your a bad person, your still a good person Y/N, Remember that.

          Your Firend,
                Ponyboy Curtis

I read what I written, hoping this plan would work, it had to, this is all we got....

~~~~~~~~~1 day later~~~~~~~~~~

Y/Ns Pov:

I walked quietly to the living room, holding a towel in order to grab the bag of cocaine my parents were selling. My mother was in the kitchen, cooking for herself, which was rare to see.
I wrapped the towel around the bag, making sure my hands won't get a hold of it. I wrapped it nicely and ran into my room before my mother can notice. I stuffed it into my backpack and hid it under my bed.

I knew my parents would never notice the missing bag, they'd think they were to drunk to remember selling it or something.  "Y/N! Get your ass over here!" My Mother yelled from the kitchen. My heart stopped, what if she really did notice? I walked into the kitchen. "Did you take my cigarettes?" She asked looking at me dirty. I stood silent for a moment. "Did you or did you not!" She yelled I flinched
"Your killing yourself, Cigarettes are bad for your lungs." I reasoned.

Everything happened so fast, My Mom raised the burning pan and swung it right at my face, hitting my left side. I yelped in pain as the burning pan made contact. I fell to the floor sobbing. "You Bitch, Don't you ever take anything I have!" She said coldly. "Fuck You!" I yelled She kicked me on the stomach knocking the wind out of me. "Your crazy!" I cried.
I slowly got up and ran into my room locking myself in.

I walked up to the broken mirror I had in my room. I looked awful, my cheek to my eye was burned to the point you can see my second layer of new skin, I slightly tapped it making it burned more, I winced. I sat down on my desk with a pen and paper. I had made a decision, I had it with my parents, I needed to write one last thing to Ponyboy before I do it.


This may be the final letter I'm writing to you, I had it here, I'm done with my Parents Bullshit, Everything's a nightmare, a living hell in here! If I stay here they'll kill me... I'm trying to tell you...I'm running away Ponyboy, for good, I'm going far from my parents, far from New York.


              Y/N L/N

I grabbed my backpack from under the bed, stuffing very little stuff, followed by Ponyboys letters. I walked out of the apartments as my parents were blacked out on the living room floor from a hang over.
I walked out of the building not looking back, I didn't need to give them a letter telling my parents I'm leaving.

I don't need them, I can live on my own, I'm gonna try finding my way back to Tusla, even if it kills me. I felt a sense of freedom, as if these chains that were keeping me from leaving were gone. I was free and I know this time it'll be for good. But that feeling left the moment I heard a familiar voice. "Your Dead Bitch!"

'This Can't Be Good'

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