"You can't move! Those dumb asses will continue beating the shit out of you!" Dallas slammed his fist on the coffee table."Dally..." Ms.Curtis said softly, Dal's face softened and he leand back into the couch as he crossed his arms in anger. "We can find a way right?" Twobit asked "The only safe way is adoption." Mrs.Curtis sighed
"But, My folks won't let that happen." I burried my head into my knees.

I didn't know what to do by now, All I knew was just wait for this whole nightmareto emerge. "Well, Why don't we report them for child abuse?" Ponyboy asked "When I used to live in Texas someone in the neighborhood did...The fuzz did nothing but give a warning because they had no proof. Either way, I can get sent to some girls home if we do that." I sighed. "Why do they wanna move now?" Soda asked
"Well, the most common and reasonable awnser is because they got into some troubles with the cops." I wanted to cry, Tomorrow I was going to be moving away from my family.
"I don't know what to do, Anymore, I don't wanna leave Tusla, I don't wanna be stuck in some new home with my parents." I cried. I was so mixed of emotions that I tried to bottle up, I was shaking hard, desperately trying to catch my breath due to all of the sobbing I was doing.

Ms.Curtis sat up from the arm chair and kneeled down to me, Her eyes were soft and sympathetic, showing her care and love that she had for me. She loved me like I was her own daughter, the thought of that just made me cry even harder. She grasped me into her warm loving arms, "Things will be alright." She cooed, I gave a quivering sigh, trying to calm down.She'd always find a way to calm me, to help me, she cared about me, And I knew she'd do whatever it takes  to prevent me from living with my folks.

I wiped my tears away "Well, I gusse I should get packing." I sighed. "What do you mean pack? We ain't gonna let you live in that hell hole." Steve said
"There's no other way, If I don't go with them, it'll just cause more trouble. You guys don't need that." I walked out of the house and stood on the porch for a bit, looking out to the horizon, rays of pink, orange and gold overlapping, the silver clouds slowly fading into the dark, the sun peeking out from the atmosphere saying it's goodbye till the next dawn.

I heard the door open from behind, Ponyboy gave me a worried look. "You alright?" Stood besides me, looking out into the sunset. I looked at my feet for a second. "I wish this never happened, I wish I can stay here with you guys" I stood silent for a moment "It's funny how before I never gave a hang about leaving to a diffrent state...But now, I care alot."
"It's because you found people who truly care about you." Ponyboy looked at me, His grey eyes were abit gloss looked, I had then realized he was about to cry. "And now I'm leaving you guys." I sighed. There was a moment of comforting silence between the two of us, I had wished that moment had lasted forever. "We're gonna keep in touch right?" Pony asked
"Yeah...We can send letters to eachother." I gave a sad smile
"I'm gonna miss you Y/N!" He suddenly hugged me tightly, For a moment I was surprised but soon I had hugged him back.
I had then realized he had meant what he said. I was like his younger sister that he cared for deeply, it was the same with the whole gang.

We both pulled away from eachother.
"I gusse I better get going." I sniffed "Promise you'll say goodbye tomorrow before you leave."  "I promise."
I then walked my way back to the nightmare that was supposedly called my 'Home'

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