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Y/N's Pov:
"Hey, Kid!"
I groaned and opened my eyes to a bright light shinning on my face. "You Alright?" A deep voice asked "I will be if you get that flashlight outta my face." The person moved the flashlight away "Sorry." He mumbled, I got a closer look at him, A tall, thin man with jungle green eyes and greased back blonde hair He seemed to be the guy who was driving the bus. He looked to be around his mid twenties.

"What's a kid your age doing in a bus around midnight?" He asked I stood silent. "You got in a fight with your folks kid?" "How'd you know?" I asked
"You look like shit." 
"Well thanks for the compliment." I said sarcastically. He laughed slightly and sat besides me.
"I know how it's like...I ran off when I was sixteen, Couldn't handle it now I've got my own apartment, working as a bus driver."

"We're you able to finish school?" I asked curious
"Yeah...I'm better off without those sons of bitches."
"Agreed." I laughed
We stood silent for a moment
"My names Nathan by the way." He smiled  "Y/N."
"Pretty Name." "Thanks." I blushed "Where are we?" I asked
"Chicago." "Ain't that a bit far from your place?"
"Yeah, But I took this shift because I wanted to see more than the streets of New York."
"Golly..." "So, You got a place to stay?" "No." "Well, I'd hate to kick you out so... I'll allow you to stay here, You seem like you've been through hell." "Ain't that the truth, While I was running away, I got beaten good by some thirty year olds, one of them kinda stabbed me on the stomach with a glass bottle." I lifted my shirt to show only my stomach, His eyes widened "Jesus kid your bleeding awful lot! I'm gonna have to take ya to the hospital or something." "Please don't!"I tried standing but the awful pain had appeared once again.  "Why not?" "I gotta get to my firends...They live at Tusla and if I go to the hospital, it'll just slow me down." I sighed. Nathan stood for a minute bitting his nail.
"Fine, I'll just... Go to a local pharmacy and get some bandages, will that do?"
I nodded lightly, I had started to feel dizzy so I laid my head against the window beside me as Nathan went back to the driver's seat, I decided to close my eyes for a while since how awful I felt. 

"Y/N, I got the bandages." Nathan shook me awake lightly
"Thanks." I grabbed the bandages "You need any help?"
"It's alright." He nodded and walked back to the driver's seat. When I had finished, I had the strength to walk towards Nathan who was eating an apple. "Hey, I'm really thankful for you helping me." I gave a soft smile "No problem kid." "Well, I'm gonna continue on finding my way back to Tusla." I put my backpack on
"Good Luck, I hope you find your way." He smiled
"Thanks." I started walking out of the bus. "Wait! Y/N!" I turned to Nathan tossing me an apple that he had bitten into I managed to catch it.
"For your travels."
"Thanks" I laughed, taking a bite of the apple
"No problem, Happy Travels."

I watched the bus slowly fade away from sight. I then had realized I had no clue to leave Chicago. I also had realized that it was Night which didn't mean any good. The only choice I had was to walk through the city hoping the dawn would shine soon.

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