More MCU state head cannons

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Spoiler warning. Even though it's been two years.

All 50 states and the five territories went to Tony's funeral

Cali was crying the whole damn time but not as much as New York.

Tonys funeral is the one time New York didn't hold back tears.

DC/Gov had a monument made for Tony.
It's a statue of Tony with a plaque that says "Earths mightiest hero." The statue is in Washington DC and in New YorkAnd there are a whole bunch of statues of Tony all over New York state mainly in the cities so Albany, New York city ,Rochester and Buffalo,Syracuse but the grand one is in New York City,

New York knows about Steve going back to Peggy and he approved of it.

New York regularly visits the captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian never mind him of Steve. When he's missing Steve he goes . ( he's learning to deal with his emotions in a more healthy way.)

Cali also has statues of Tony all over the state
Georgia loves falcon love Sam Wilson and he is glad Steve chose him as the new captain America and fuck John Walker
(Unlike Georgia I still say should've been Bucky it was in the comics he got the shield first) sorry about my little tangent there

Cali's favorite avenger is Black widow.
sorry that it was mostly New York I'm kind of biased because I live in New York state I know this fandom knows that New York is more than just a city and Tony died in New York so yeah and steps from New York so yeah

All the states hate John Walker and Gov likes John walker
New Mexico's favorite avenger is Thor we all know why
Jersey felt weird when Wanda made her little world thing to bring back vision escapism at it's best
And was more against himself than usual

Thank you for your time

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