Cali please don't tell anyone Rhode Island X Hawaii

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Warning mention of sex

OK so this is based off of that head canon I made

They didn't want this to happen they didn't want anyone to find out but it's still happened.oh you're probably thinking what happened ?well you see Cali and a couple other states.Came to Hawaii despite someone's protest for a surfing competition or the national surfing can petition semi finals. California and other states were staying at Hawaii's house. Anyways  see what happened is California accidentally walked in on Hawaii and Rhode Island having sex

California's POV

I just needed to talk Hawaii about something. I walked up to Hawaii's bedroom door then I knocked on the door. There was no answer I can hear noises weird noises. I turned the knob lucky for me it was unlocked. I open the door and I walked in"Hawaii I need to ask yo-OH MY LANTA" I said but yelled that last part. I covered my eyes
'I can't believe what I just saw Hawaii and Rhode Island having sex OMG'I thought to myself
'Cali what the hell are you doing in here" Hawaii ask me" I came in here to ask you about the competition tomorrow" I said Hawaii looked at me I could tell she wasn't happy
" oh well can that wait until tomorrow morning" she asked me
I nodded. I can't believe this I want to do is yell at them but I don't wanna wake anyone up." Oh Cali" I heard Rhode Island say ." Yes Rhode Island" I said " please don't tell anyone" he told me "don't worry I won't good night guys oh and try to keep it down" I said and walked out of the room closing the door behind me

The end

State house SIMS4 and head cannons and one shotWhere stories live. Discover now