Nightmare MA x FL

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Hey guys I hope you enjoy this

The dream
It was a cold, starry night in Boston. Florida and Mass we're walking down the streets of Boston holding hands.

Mass was showing Florida where the Boston tea party happened. They made it to the docks enjoying the beautiful night.

Massachusetts already gave Florida his jacket. Mass looked into his boyfriend's eyes and cupped His face and said "I love you i'll never stop loving you" before Florida could respond Mass kissed him "I love you too Mass."

As they were about to kiss again Massachusetts got stabbed in the back then Florida screened "MASS NOOO!"

Florida's POV
"NOOOOO!" II woke up from a nightmare breathing heavily. I looked to my right. I saw my boyfriend sleeping.I took a breath of relief.

I started crying. Then I heard him ask me. "Baby what's wrong.why are you crying?"I hugged him and put my face into his chest crying.It was silent. I felt him Staring at me. I looked at him. 

He wiped the tears out of my eyes "C'mon baby tell me please"Mass said worried I knew I would have to tell him. " I don't want to talk about it." I said he nodded.

I knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I sigh. "Fine, I had a nightmare about you." I said I started crying again. "Tell me what happened in your nightmare.''He asked me. I sat up to look at him.
" Well we were in Boston and you were showing me where the tea party happened. We said '' I love you and as we were gonna kiss for the second time you got stabbed and then I woke up." I told him
He pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back and we pulled away.

He said" Florida where we are immortal we can't die plus even if we were morals they can't kill me and baby I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He said I smile he smiled back at me Kiss my forehead we just lie there and snuggle

"I love you Mass"

"I love you too FIo"

Then we when back to sleep in each others arms

The end

I hope you guys enjoyed the story

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