Rochester x Houston X Miami

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This was it their first date since Rochester join their relationship. Rochester was nervous excited he was nervous because this is his first date with his new boyfriends.
For he walked down the stairs he looked in the mirror one last time and then he stopped in NYC's room
" how do I look" New York looked up from what he was doing and gave his brother thumbs up" thanks wish me luck" "GOOD LUCK YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" NYC shouted as Rochester left the room he stuck his middle finger up at New York City

He finally got downstairs Houston and Miami were already there

"Hey"Said Rochester

"Hola mi amor"said Miami

"Hi doll" Houston says
They stood there in silence for a few minutes and than Miami spoke." You ready to go mis amores" Rochester and Houston both nodded. But before they left six very familiar faces showed up it was their dads and their older siblings AKA the capitals.'Great what do they want' Rochester thought
" we just want to tell you to have a good time" Florida said. " and drive safe" Texas said.Then New York said." don't get into too much trouble OK your siblings don't want to come pick you up" Albany Austin and Tallahassee nodded Their heads .
" OK can we leave now" Houston asked
" yes" The states and capitals said.
The three cities walked out the door to Houston's truck they went to Red Robin's Because Rochester Works going to red Robin so Houston and Miami thought it would be nice to take Rochester to one of his favorite places. The two cities trying to make Rochester feel comfortable and a part of the relationship so he didn't feel like a third wheel in his own relationship.

The three talked about everything and nothing laughing having a good time after dinner
" Rochester, Miami do you wanna go for a walk?" Houston asked
" I would love to" Rochester said taking Houston hand Miami wrapped his right arm around Rochester shoulder

Rochester was enjoying his first date with his two boyfriends

It was a beautiful night The stars are in the sky moon was out it was so romantic everything Rochester wanted.

Houston stopped walking Miami in Rochester noticed they looked at their boyfriend "what?" The flower city asked The Texan
Houston just smiled and pulled Rochester in for a kiss Then Miami join them soon they all pulled away
" We love you Rochester." Miami and Houston say in unison
" I love you more" Rochester said to his boyfriends Miami yawned
" baby are you tired" Rochester asked The Floridian."No no estoy cansado todavia" Rochester in Houston looked at each other" I think we should go home it's getting late and you're obviously tired Miami
They went back to the truck Miami was already passed out his head was on Rochester shoulder
Rochester smile he kissed Miami for head " did you have fun my flower" Houston asked looking at Rochester." Yes I had fun thank you for taking a Red Robin's " Rochester said thanking his boyfriend
" I love you Rochester" Houston said
" I love you too Houston"
Miami moans Rochester rolled his eyes. Houston chuckled
" we love you too Miami" The two cities said in unison

They arrived at the state house
Houston carried Bride style it's Rochester right next to him they walked in the door trying really hard not to wake Miami but unfortunately Miami woke up  Rochester walks Miami and Houston to Houston's room he kiss Miami on the cheek " good night mi amor" Miami said Rochester kiss Miami on the cheek. "Good night my flower I love you" Houston " good night loves" Rochester said and kiss Houston on the lips then went to his room really happy

I hope you guys enjoyed this and a lot of fun making it

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