Don't join a cult by accident

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Good news I finally came up with a good title for the series
So I decided to give you the cult thing thought I was doing
And continue it but put all the parts together in one big part
By the way don't join the Colts they're bad
I don't know why I thought this would be funny

part one

New York: As you may all know California and I have been in multiple coats not necessarily together but separately we've both been in a Colts at some point in our lives so (looks at Connecticut) if you ever need to know you're in a cult just ask us if you pretty sure you are in one and you need help getting out of it also ask us

Cali: but don't join a cult but if you do by accident just call us

Cut:[very confused] why the hell did you join a cult

Gov: how the fuck do you accidentally end up at one

Cali: anything can end up being in a cult and you don't even know it

Utah: oh my Lord my Zumba class might be in a cult

New York: yup


Colorado walks in and looks at his brother

Coco:Cali I think I'm gonna join a cult

Cali : don't worry little brother I'll get you out of it

The cult thing part two

Connecticut: columbine what do you mean you you think you join a cult

Coco: I think I joined a cult

Cali: Connecticut like I said before anything could be at the Colts look Colts are fun until they're not fun
Connecticut: how do you know this

Cali: like your Brother said him and I have been in multiple colts.

Part three
Cali : now let's get you out of that a cult

Coco: yay

A few hours later( SpongeBob narrator)

Cali covered in what looks like blood?: OK Coco you're out of the cult just don't ask questions

Connecticut: please tell me you didn't commit murder

New York: The man said not to ask questions

Cali: this is "ketchup"I spilled catch up on myself but you're out of the cult Coco

Part 4of a cult

Coco : thank you big brother

Cali:You're welcome

Gov fucking over it: I just can't

New York: what did we learn today

Florida: don't join in a cult by accident
New York: good job Florida what else did we learn

Conne: that we all probably should be scared of California

Mass: well you're not wrong


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