Double date YorkCali and FloMass

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Nobody asked for this well I don't care

New York had no idea how he got talked into going on this double date. New York doesn't know why when it comes to California he can't say no. saying no is one of his favorite things to do
Now you're probably asking how did Cali get New York to do this well it all started earlier The day before
They were in New York's room cuddling but they were also bored then Cali said" oh I know we can go on a double date" New York looked up at his smiling boyfriend and asked" Who would we go with" Cali look down at New York and said"Um how about Florida and Mass " "No " New York said California pouts and says" oh come  issue qon we never hang out with Florida anymore and you never spend time with your brother please New York for me" California said using the puppy eyes. New York was trying to fight the urge to say yes" I don't know baby my brother is kind of pissed at me in Florida is a Simp"
" why because the bills Won"California ask New York nodded" fine we can go on a double date but you're inviting them" California gleamed excitement hugged his boyfriend" thank you I love you"Cali kissed New York on the cheek and got up.To go find Massachusetts and Florida.

Meanwhile in Florida' bedroom

Florida and Massachusetts were in Florida's room watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Why because
Florida wanted to and Massachusetts like his brother can't say no. They were snuggling.Florida good was humming to the soundtrack which was honestly kinda relaxing for Mass. they were enjoying introduce company and watching the movie when someone knocked on the door Florida looked it at Mass silently asking if he could let them in.

" come in"Florida said Cali open the door and walking." Hi Cali what do you want" Florida asked California took a deep breath before speaking" I need to know if you guys want to go on a double date with New York and I please" Mass growled at California for saying the Empire State's name

" you're really mad at him just because of a football game?Massachusetts he's your brother and you love him and nothing should change that." California said
Massachusetts knew California was right.
" Please Massy it will be fun" Florida beg his boyfriend.Massachusetts let out a loud sigh" fine we can go on a double date with With you and York." Florida beans with Joy.
"what are we gonna do" Florida asks " I was thinking bowling but I have to run it by New York" The other states nod
" bowling sounds fun" Massachusetts surprisingly said.
" OK it's a date see you tomorrow at four"
The other states said yes agreeing to the time  n would meet up.
California said he would text Florida to let them know if New York agreed to going bowling,


Re walked out of Florida's room and went back to the north east hallway he made his way back to New York's room when California walked in to New York's room he saw New York and his and Coco puppy comet cuddling.
"Aww how cute I knew you'd love him." California said. New York growled at him.California rolled his eyes and sat on the bed."What did they say babe?"Yorkie asked "well they said yes after I called your brother out on his shit.Oh we are going bowling. Is that okay "Cali said/asked. New York smiled at his boyfriend. At this point The couple is cuddling again" Yes bowling is fine when are we going?" New York asked " tomorrow at four and I'm going to drive.I have a surprise for you"Cali said New York yawned kissed Cali on the lips."I love you good night baby" New York said then drifted off to sleep" I love you too baby good night Yorky" Cali said then he fell asleep comet wandered out of the room into Connecticut's room to sleep with Colorado and Connecticut

The next morning

They all woke up

California went to the garage to do some last-minute repairs to his car
" I think she's all set" Cali said " you
know Cal you're doing real great on this car."Alaska said

Later that day it was almost 4 o'clock
California in his room getting ready for the day he just wore he's normal outfit
He heard a knock on his door" Come in" he saidHe smiled when he saw that it was New York that came into the room" hey babe you ready to go." New York asked as he wrapped his arms around California's waist
"Cali you're so beautiful" New York said.Cali laughed. Cali turned around wrapped his arms around York's neck" so are you and yes I'm ready to go I just have to grab my keys."Cali said.As he leaned in to kiss NY. York kissed back. They pulled away from each other. California grabbed bowling." Cali said then they walked outside of course because it's winter they put on their coats bundled up except for New York and Massachusetts they just put on sweatshirts.California open the garage and the other three states were shocked to see a Mercedes" how did I not know this about you" New York asked California couldn't tell if his boyfriend was shocked or mad." I have my secrets come on let's go" he said as he got into the car The other three got in the car.

When they got to the bowling alley they had a fun time

They bowled Florida got a A double which is two strikes in a row
New York out a turkey which is three strikes in a row
They had some alcohol everyone but California because he was driving

When the night was over California drove them back home New York wasn't upset they California didn't tell him about his car secret
They ended up all having a really good time and it was a great idea


OK I'm gonna cut it off there because I really want to upload it today and I honestly have no more ideas for the story so I'm gonna end it there let's just say New York one The Game

Word count:1059


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