Everybody eventually turns into their parents Cali and Coco

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Warning mention of suicide but he's just being dramatic

It was an ordinary evening at the state house
Colorado is minding his own business in his room probably high or definitely high when his older brother California came in and flopped on his bed and said" I wanna die right now" he said moaning California saying that instantly made Colorado worry It made him Stone Cold sober
" Please don't I need you." Coco told Cali he leaned over to California, pulled him into a hug and said " come on tell you a little bro what's going on." Cali nodded and said " I'm trying into mom."
Here's the thing California remembers their parents Colorado doesn't because he was little when they passed away." Umm Cali I don't remember mom and dad.Besides the stories you told me" coco said. The taller state looked at the slightly shorter state and said ." I know that, " Cali said.

" Do you remember when I told you mom was always nitpicking things lately I've been nitpicking things and I just realize that I am turning into mom. Coco what am I going to do? I don't want to turn into our mom. I mean sure she was the nicest person on earth and she was so sweet to us but I still don't want to turn into her." Cali explained.
" Cali you already turned into mom. I remember what you told me you told me mom was the sweetest person and told me how she used to sing us to sleep but I don't remember you telling me that she nitpicked things. I think you turned into a mom without really knowing it and that's okay." Colorado exclaimed California looked at his little brother part of him knew he was right and the other part of him didn't want him to be right. " you're right I already turned into her and I didn't even know
thanks Coco" Cali said " so if you turn into mom doesn't that make me like Dad?" Coco ask California rolled his eyes
The two brothers were cuddling California look at his little brother and said" Coco you are a little bit like Dad but that's okay" Colorado nods " do you always say everyone eventually turns into their parents" Coco said California looks away California new even though he's turning into his mom that's OK because everyone whether they like it or not turns into their parents eventually. " besides you raised me so if I turn into anyone I would probably turn into you" Coco said California looked at his little brother it was true he basically raised him but he was fine with that and he raised him because he loved him so much and he still does

" I love you Coco and I always well remember I'm always here for you" Cali said

"I love you too big brother" Colorado said

The end

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