Dad talks

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Connie: you know Cal you're getting really good at those dad talks

Cali: I am aren't I

Cali: I learned from the best

Connie: Aww thanks Cal
Cali: not you

Connie: :0 then who

Cali: Geo duh


At an OG 13 meeting

NY: all right I think it's time we talk about Texas and California are always fighting all the time

Mass: who's turn is it to straighten them out

Virginia: I did it last time which means York it's your turn

NY: why can't Geo do it. He's better at this!

Geo: New York it's your turn you have to

NY: I mean do I?

MD: yes

NJ: it's just another Dad talk

NY: or we could just let them work it out themselves like grown adults they are
The rest of the OG 13: NO!
NY: why not?

Delaware: because it's our job as the original 13 to guide the younger states!
Connecticut: Little brother he's not wrong

NY: I know fine I'll do it

Later that day with California Texas and New York

NY: all right you too. You need to stop fighting.

Cali: well we wouldn't fight if he didn't do such horrible things to women's rights

NY: Cali let me talk to Texas real quick you can leave but stay outside the room

Cali: OK

California leaves
Texas: no before you say anything I don't see what I did wrong
NY: it's because you don't understand isn't it
Tex: maybe
NY: let me explain something to you
NY: Texas some women are not ready to become mothers some women don't wanna go through the pain of giving birth that is why abortion exist and they also don't want to go for the emotional turmoil of giving up their child to some stranger.
Texas: it's murder

NY: no it's not they have the right to give up their babies.if they don't want it.Think about teenage girls accidentally got pregnant.they don't want their parents to know and they're from your state what are they going to do have their boyfriends drive them to another state just to get an abortion so their parents will never find out that they got pregnant. Texas you need to fix this.

Texas:i'm trying

NY: all right you can go now remember I'm just trying to help

Texas: yes sir' leaves room'


Cali walks back into the room
NY: please stop lecturing Texas about the abortion laws he's trying to fix it.
Cali: but
NY: no butts

Cali: yes New York

NY: I love you
Cali: I love you too
The next day another that's another OG 13 meeting

NY: all right I took care of that problem North Carolina you're next

NC: The next time someone fights i'll take care of it
NJ: we're pretty good at the Dad talks aren't we

Rhode Island: I mean we've been doing them for almost 250years so yeah
Montana: I swear if you guys are gonna dad talked me into forgiving California the answer is no

The OG 13:Wut we're not gonna dad talk you

Monty: yeah right that's all you've been doing since I became a state are you guys ever do is give us Dad talks

The OG 13: that's our job

Tennessee and Vermont: and they're really good at it to

Montana: i'm not forgiving him

New Hampshire: he was making a prediction he didn't actually think it was true he was being sarcastic

Montana: yeah in doing so now they're competing for me and I hate it


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