My favorite broken boys

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Number one Jason peter Todd The reason why I am making this so I was I thought I could show Sonydino07 Who is Jason Todd

Number one Jason peter Todd The reason why I am making this so I was I thought I could show Sonydino07 Who is Jason Todd

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Why are broken men so hot 🥵 so here's Jason Todd

New York is a broken boy and it's hot because of it

New York is a broken boy and it's hot because of it

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Also Damien Wayne because of his entire childhood not having a childhood

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Also Damien Wayne because of his entire childhood not having a childhood

 Yo Dobi in a red hood outfit is actually really sexy

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Yo Dobi in a red hood outfit is actually really sexy

Also Roy Harper is broken as well especially in the comics

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Also Roy Harper is broken as well especially in the comics

Also Roy Harper is broken as well especially in the comics

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just enjoy this picture

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