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California started DJ and DJ's mother is in this so this is how California and summer holiday met but not in the Sims.


It's kind of a backstory you know out of the Sims though
California he used to be a DJ and he met summer holiday when he was DJ at Coachella and they fell in love went on a couple vacations but then they took a trip to Japan and that's where DJ was conceived And so summer holiday got scared of how California would react to her being pregnant and broke things off

Skip to present day

California is now married to New York. They're married they're happy knock on the door California finds out he has a daughter named DJ who is about 8 years old.
After she proves that California is in fact her real father .

Cali call's summer and ask her why the hell didn't she tell him that he had a child Summer explains that she was scared about how he would react blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Cali and New York immediately fall in love with California's daughter

DJ ask her father and stepfather if she can stay with them they say yes.

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