After Math California X Pennsylvania(Cali angst)

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  Trigger warning: PTSA low self-esteem mentions a murder
Am I doing something that I shouldn't be doing because I have other projects that I should be working on but I'm not maybe but oh well
By the way this takes place in my north east X Maryland X California AU

Editor Emily here hi so I noticed there was a mistake in my sentence and also the sound wasn't working on the video so I fixed it and I'm going to re-upload this


It was a couple days  after it go happened after he met his sister and had to kill her. Right now he was in his room lying in bed trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep.

California's POV

I was lying in my bed and I heard footsteps coming into my room I knew it was either one of my boyfriends or Utah." Cali baby wake up" I hear Pennsylvania say. As he walked closer to me. He sat on my bed waiting for me to respond. "Noooo!" I said moaning.
He laughed a little." Come on honey. You have to get up"he said. I open my eyes and look at him." OK I'll get up" I said sleepily
Penny smiled at me came closer to me and kiss my forehead.
"good I'll see you in a bit." He said getting up to leave.

I grabbed his hand.he turns and looks at me. I looked up at him and said." Am I a bad person?" I said Pennsylvania looked at me concerned. He sat on the bed again. "Of course not.why would you think that?" He asked me in a concerned tone. I felt tears rolling down my face. I look away from him so he doesn't see me cry. Then he put his hands on my cheeks. Softly moving my head to make eye contact with him.

"Cali what's wrong?"

" I killed my own sister Pennsylvania " I say as I cried he pulled me in to a hug. I cried into his chest. I felt him rubbing my back. Then I heard him say" it's OK you were defending our country you are a hero." I looked up at him and said." Then why don't I feel like one?"I asked him.

He looked at me and said " probably because you just found out you had a sister and then she turned out to be evil you had to kill her but you are a hero. OK you saved us from God knows what she was going to do. I'm proud of you" he said smiling at me I looked at him and said.


"Yes" he said as he pulled me in to a kiss.I kissed back. The kiss was sweet and passionate. Soon we pulled away I smiled at him he smiled back at me

" I love you Cali and I'm proud of you" PA said
" I love you too Penny " I said

I was feeling much better about what happened

I hope you guys enjoy this


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