California Wyoming and Montana a trip to LA

45 6 2

Enjoy my picture of Colorado and Connecticut

BTW I'm canceling the challenge
This is somewhat inspired by eImWeridOk specifically the Montana and the Dakotas thingy
This is also inspired by BuzzFeed ultimate bucket list.
" why are you dragging us to LA again?"Montana asked a bit annoyed he is still pissed at California
" because it will be fun and I have a surprise is going to get you out of the situation that I got you into in the first place"Cali said smiling
" well least you're emitting it" Wyoming said he didn't want to come but it was better than mopping in his room.
" look Montana think about it this way if you come with us to LA you don't have to deal with the Dakotas." The nation state said.
trying to convince Montana
" why am I here" Wyoming ask not knowing why he was drag along on this trip
" Wyoming you know exactly why you're coming on this trip"Cali said

You're probably wondering what's going on. Well you see children California is taking Wyoming and Montana to LA because he wants to make up for what he said in the group chat about the Dakotas liking Montana and causing misery to Montana's life and somehow he dragged Wyoming into it.

So the three were on a private jet on the way to LA.

Montana did not want to go on this trip but it was better than dealing with those annoying twins.
Soon they landed LAX. When they got off the jet. After they got their stuff in the baggage claim.

Wyoming and Montana were shocked to see a really nice orange convertible.
" do you like what you see?" Cali said "Wow you own this car." Wyoming asked California nodded gettin the car.

" Ya going to get in or what?" Cali asked waiting for the other two states to get in the car. The other two got into the car.
Cali started the car and they drove to his house more like a mansion.

California pulled into his driveway and park the car. " we're here."Cali said as he got out of the car.
He went to the front door. The other two followed him."Nice place Cali."Wyoming said looking around the house it was a nice house."Thanks make yourselves at home and feel free to explore. If you need anything I'll be in my room unpacking" Cali said to the others as he walks away." Cali wait." Monty yelled out to stop the older state. California look back at Montana."Yes" The Golden State said" are you going to give us a tour?" Monty asked the other state.

Cali nods and told them to follow him

Time skip after the tour

The tour took about an hour and a half to cover the entire house and the backyard. But now it was over

Time skip because I'm lazy

It was the next day after breakfast the boys got into the car in California took them to the states the city to the shop called Doob
Where they were going to get action figures of them selves
" surprise we're getting action figures of ourselves"Cali said excitedlyHe's always wanted to do this. So he was very excited. As for the other two.

Montana did not want it but he knew he wasn't going to get out of it. ' crap there's no way I can get myself out of this I wish I was at home in my room why did I go on this trip.'

Wyoming on the other hand he knew California had something up his sleeve and he was actually excited about this because it could be a cool conversation peace.
Cali stared at the other two states waiting for their response
" wow Cal. This is literally the coolest thing you've ever made me do I'm serious" Wyoming said

So the guy at the store explain how the machine works and each of them took a picture in the machine and did their best poses but California had one more big surprise up his sleeve and Wyoming knew about it
" dude you can just go in the car will be right with you." Cali said
" OK but hurry up" Montana said as he was walking to the car
" OK how we going to get him to do this" wyoming. asked California
" I have no idea" California said a bit nervous " what if we tell him we're going to prank the Dakotas" Wyoming said
" Wyoming you're a genius it might work" California said excitedly and with that they went to the car and they drove to the movie make up place." OK so we're gonna have you get your make up done as a monster. you're going to turn into a monster and then we're going to call the Dakotas and you're going to scare the shit out of them" California explained

'Hell fucking yeah I'm in' Montana thought
" California you're a genius you to Wyomi" Montana said
So they walked into the movie make up shop and after an hour Montana look like a ugly monster

" Monty you look ugly but it it it it it's good ugly" Cali said a bit nervous
" that makes no sense but whatever" Monty said
California FaceTime North Dakota
" hey north Dakota I have someone who wants to say hi to you. I need you to get your brother first," he said nervously


California gives the phone to Montana
When they Dakotas see Montana they scream and then they hang up the phone.leaving Montana California and Wyoming laughing their heads off.
" ha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah you know Monty I think that should do it"California said laughing.
" let's hope you're right. Siri is there anyway that we can when you take this off of me you can like keep it together so I can wear a mask to scare the hell out of those two" Montana asked The guy that put the make up on him the guy that put the make up on him said yes they could turn into a mask
And with that they went back to California's house it turned out to be a great trip

Time skip two weeks into the future

The three states were back at the state house and their action figures finally arrived they were so excited about it California even bought display cases for the action figures

Montana finally for gave California
The Dakotas backed off for a little bit
Still scared of Montana.
And they had a fun time Wyomi had a wonderful time

The end

Looked at it took me a long time to write I hope you guys enjoy it I had fun making it yeah so have a good day and happy Martin Luther King day

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