New York HC

84 8 1

   Because I am bored

New York will sometimes go to the falls and have a staring contest of Canada from the other side of Niagara Falls.

New York once dared Texas to go to Niagara Falls and yell fuck you Canada across Niagara.

He does it trust Canada because and I quote" no one is that polite not even Utah."
(No one can tell me otherwise)
I know I said New York doesn't trust Canada and that's true but he is also good friends with Canada.

One time he caught Florida at Niagara Falls yelling fuck you Canada.

The only reason why he likes going down to Florida for the winter it's because he likes hanging out with Florida he just won't admit it.  All of New York's amusement Park's are close because of the winter time so he gets bored.

Love triangle AU ——————————

In this AU there is a love triangle between California, Texas and New York.
Basically New York and Texas are fighting over California
(Here's the rundown)

Basically Cali likes New York but he also likes Texas and he hast to make a choice

But some of his friends have made teams for New York and Texas because they're betting $45 each on another grown adults love life. Like the bachelor.

Team New York.
Team Texas
New Jersey(because he likes rooting against Massachusetts and Connecticut)
New Mexico

First he ends up dating Texas but then they have a nasty break up they're still kind of friends and then Cali and New York they get married.

That is all I'm going to eat lunch now

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