Can you die my hair(176)

39 6 0

TW: I don't think there's any

Third person

Washington looked in the mirror. He looked at his hair. He needed something different. He was tired of the same hair color.(relatable)

Maybe I should dye my hair

He thought to himself the only problem is there's no way he could do himself without messing up.He needed someone that's done it multiple times. Who knows how to dye hair properly but who perhaps Air. No Arizona's never dyed hair in his life. Maybe Organ no he'll ask too many questions.

Then it hit him.' California dyes his hair all the time. I'll just ask him.' He thought to himself he walked out of his bathroom and out of his bedroom

He turned down the hall and walked past Oregon's room to California's room. He stopped at California's door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"I'm coming." He heard Cali say.

The door opened. "Hey Wash what's up?" Cali asked him. "Hey Cali, I need your help." He said looking at the other state.
" with what?" Cali asked he looking at California and sighs . He was going to ask California to dye his hair..
"Can you dye my hair?" Washington asked

California smiles at Washington. He took Washington's hand pulled him into his bedroom. " of course I can dye you're hair. What color?" Cali exclaimed." Um,How about blue." Washington said.

"okay let's do this"

California Get his supplies ready he told Washington to sit in the chair. After California gets all his supplies he starts going through the hair dying process.

Six hours later.

California was finally done with the hair dying process.
After one more shampoo and rinse Washington's hair was officially dyed blue."All right open your eyes." Cali said. Washington does what he's told.

"Wow Thanks so much Cali I loved it"Washington thanked

" no problem wash" Cali said

The end

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