OG 13 parenting the states Head cannons

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PpI don't know why am writing this pbut OK As

OK so we all know Florida is llama
crazy.we all know that the original 13 years older than everyone including GOV

So living in the state house there's guaranteed to be parenting the shit out of the states not like they don't do it already
So you know that California head canon that I had where he hides Nerf guns all over the house

Massachusetts finds out about this and he's just one you're grounded to but first tell me how you manage to sneak them into our rooms

And this just say the ground other states a lot
And they're all like you can't ground me I'm a grown ass adult
And OG 13 or just like we can and we will ground you because you did something stupid

New York will never ground anyone OK maybe New York ground Florida and Louis and Texas
He will never ground California ever

Also he'll never grown Colorado

But the other states yeah you do something in the attic or stupid you're grounded
They find them selves giving lots and lots of Dad talks
Seriously it's a problem

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