MCU State AU Head cannons

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Also this song speaks to me as New York like this song reminds me of New York
Spoiler warning for black widow in any of the MCU

Now we all know New York is a broken boy but I feel like in the MCU he's even more broken than he already. And the reasoning for it literally all the bad stuff that happens in New York City do you know the aliens the robots the wizards the big three

And also New York has to deal with the fact I've said this before and I'll say it again he hast to deal with the fact that he is the place where the universes mightiest hero died

In any AU I just feel like Georgia is the one that can get through to New York because Of their friendshipAnd Georgia's ability to communicate very well that's like his superpower also parenting is Georgia is super power
California would also be able to get New York but not as well as Georgia would be able too.

Ohio favorite Avenger is black widow because Natasha lived in Ohio

Florida is not as chaotic as New York is in the MCU I'm sorry but y'all know it's true

All right we're about to get into a serious topic you're not serious topic is hydra a.k.a Nazis

If you've seen Captain America first avenger you know that the first Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division or as we all know it as shield headquarters it's in Jersey which means New Jersey knew that hydrant was invading shield and just didn't tell anyone and so basically when shield was officially taken over by the enemy it's for you noob's is Hydro is the enemy literally the whole country is shunned New Jersey so nobody talk to him for like a year

OK we're going back to New York OK

New York's brother Massachusetts and Connecticut try to comfort him but they're not good and emotions either so they can't really help

Why do I feel like Massachusetts knew about Agatha

Thank you for your time

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