Another ship AU

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I think in another AU Connecticut likes both California and Colorado .

Colorado in California are not siblings in this AU

Just imagine the three seas states in a relationship it's perfect

And it's adorable

Connecticut would have someone to help take care of his brothers and the rest of his region

California would have someone to remind him that he's perfect the way he is and he lets someone doesn't hate him

Colorado has two people to take care of him and make sure he's safe

Because I am convinced that California has a treehouse just for himself in the backyard of the state house they spent a lot of time in California Treehouse

Because Connecticut has no idea how to flirt. Neither does Colorado.

California absolutely does know how to flirt. He does it all the time he's just naturally flirty person.

Connecticut was the first one to realizes that he has fallen for California

How well you see California takes care of the west he's the oldest out of all the western states. Which means he has to take care of them even though they act like they hate him. They can't survive without him.

Now when Connecticut sees this he's just like yep that's the man for me.

-It also helped that California hangs around the Northeast states literally all the time. So he got to hang out with California.

How did he fall for Colorado The same way he did in my Colorado and Connecticut head cannon

Now Colorado had fallen for Connecticut after one interaction with each other

How did he fall for California
California is always taking care of him so he develops a crush

Honestly I think California has developed a crush on Connecticut and more and more as they hang out

And the way he fell for Colorado I think over the years as he's taken care of Colorado is developed feelings

How did they actually get together

California ask Connecticut out and to Cali surprise he said yes.

So they start dating

And then they told each other about their crush on Colorado then they both decide to ask Colorado out

Of course Colorado says yes

See I can go without calling Colorado Coco for a whole chapter I hope you guys had a good day bye-bye

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