Tony: You're going to freeze to death out here.
Anna: My top has a half sleeve. I'll be fine.
Anna: Maybe Mondy can let me borrow his hoodie.
Tony: Have you even been outside? It's really windy.
Anna: Oh relax. We just stopped by at McDonalds because my dad's been craving their new wraps. The air just had a tiny bite. Nothing I cannot handle. You're too uptight about these things.
Mondy: Where are you? You were suppose to be here before 12 and it's already 12:01.
Anna rolled her eyes when she read Mondy's text. It was like he was more nervous about this meeting than she was.
After three months of texting and calling each other, the official day of meeting each other was actually here. They decided to choose a theme park because they didn't want it to be too awkward if sparks do not fly when they finally see each other. She's not expecting much out of today. But at least she's finally seeing the guy that she has possibly fallen in love with.
Now don't be too judgmental about the situation. Yes, they haven't even met but from all the phone calls and texts, Tony was what she has been looking for. And the fact that he lets Anna call him Tony!
One day in the three months they've been texting, Blake timidly told her his middle name. His parents were very Greek and had given him the middle name Thanos. He didn't really like it but that's where Anna got the nickname Tony. She doesn't know why and how; it just became a thing between the two of them. Maybe, just maybe, this means that he might feel the same way for her.
Mondy has given her a full on green light for Tony. He assured Anna that he wasn't some creep and that Tony was a very genuine guy. Anna didn't care about how he was going to look like physically now because his personality would easily mask that. But all the pictures he has sent her showed her that he was beautiful inside and out.
Anna: I'm here you dork.
Tony: I can't wait to finally see you.
Mondy: Blake said you're here. Ready to meet your Prince Charming? We're by the entrance.
Mondy: I can seeeeee youuuuuu.
"Seriously?" Anna gave Mondy an eyebrow.
"Hi, " Blake said with a shy smile.
"Holy cow you are tall!" Anna has been trying very hard not to swear in the past three months. Tony wasn't a fan of the whole cussing bit so she has been trying to replace them with some random words.
"That's what I told you didn't I?" Anna looked up at the tall guy as he replied with a grin. She wasn't sure if she should feel self conscious about the height difference. It shouldn't matter right? Let people judge and be jealous of the fine meat, that's grinning from ear to ear, right in front of her. Jesus, the pictures did not do him any justice.
She quickly nodded to him in response as he shoved a hoodie into her hands. "Because it's cold and consider it as a birthday gift."
Coco clusters! Anna hasn't blushed like this in forever! Why was she being so awkward? She's usually very loud in every situation she's placed in. The screams coming from the riders in roller coasters provided her a setting where it's very okay to be loud. This was not a place to remind herself to use her inside voice.
"Sooo are we going to stand here all day or actually ride something?" Mondy said as he "accidentally" pushed Anna towards Blake.
"Ye-yeah! Let's go!" Dang it, still very awkward and weird.
She felt a comforting arm on her shoulder. "Stop acting so weird. It's just me." Anna looked up at Blake with gratitude.
From there, it was smooth sailing. Anna shook off the awkwardness and the conversations finally started smoothly sailing. They rode every ride there was in that place and it was perfect.
As the park slowly turned on its lights Blake took Anna's hand and led her towards a bench. He put his arms around her as she sat down beside him. "You don't know how many times I've wanted to do this." Blake said as he tightened his arms around her.
Anna's rare shyness once again came back. She kind of knew what was coming but she doesn't want to expect anything.
Blake turned her around so they were facing each other. "It's going to be a very difficult path for us but I wouldn't be asking you this if I wasn't sure about you. A long distance relationship is hard but I'm willing to do it if you are. Will you finally be my girlfriend?"
Her heart didn't know what to do. It felt like it wanted to burst out of her chest cavity from the amount of joy that she was feeling.
"Yes, of course," with no hesitation in his part, he leaned down and gave her a sweet and passionate kiss.
A little sweetness for the road to the next chapter. I hope I didn't confuse you with the whole Tony and Blake bit.
Please don't be shy on pressing that star button or leaving some comments! I promise I'm not as dark as my other chapters.

Believing in Miracles [COMPLETE]
Mystery / ThrillerIn the beginning she was alive, her soul bare for this man, loved him with every fiber of her being. She was willing to give up everything that she had for him and worked hard for the future they both hoped for each other; when he still existed. She...