Butterflies in her stomach, heart beating like a humming bird, and shortened breaths were the only thing that she could feel whenever Anna hears that special ping that she assigned for Blake on her phone. It had only been what? Three months since they started talking to each other? There had been awkward moments but she wouldnt have awkward as her middle name if they didn't exist. Blake caused some of those awkward moments too. But Anna didn't care. He was perfectly imperfect for her.Anna grew up with her parents telling her what she should find in a man. As she started hoping for her own Mr. Darcy, instead of cheering Lizzie on for getting one, they became her standards. Now she had a check list that she carried around in her head which she used when a man, well a boy, would show their interest. Anna didn't think they were anything out of this world. Every thing on that list was reasonable. He's not going to be perfect and she knew that.
Fortunately Anna believed that she had found the boy, erm man, that she might be with for the rest of her life. That was the main reason why humans date right? It wasn't to relieve some itch down there! It was to find the person who one believes will provide them with beautiful, smart babies and to provide a future for her and those said kids. It would be a great and lucky thing if he managed to relieve the stress down there too.
Cindy, Anna's bestest friend, rolled her eyes when Anna shared her beliefs and feelings concerning the new character that has waltzed in to her life.
"Well I wasn't looking for a man to bang me till the next sunday in the first place!" Cindy once again rolled her eyes and gave Anna another look. "It may seem like it with my phallic jokes but I'm genuinely honest about this!" Anna said with hands thrown in the air.
She didn't know what love was. She wasn't even sure if love existed. But she knew that Blake Karalis had mating potential.
For the past three months, they have talked on the phone almost every night. He would then text her every morning and till the end of the day, if he wasn't busy working out or just working at the fast food place.
He understood every thing about her. He had his own religious beliefs took an interest in her religion! Where could Anna find a religious guys these days? Probably somewhere in some countryside where all their lives their mothers forced them to read, eat, and sleep with the bible. Other than that, these types of God loving creatures were extinct. But somehow, in her very unlucky life, she found the hidden treasure chest of this lovely place called Earth.
But wait, there's more!
Blake Karalis was a very smart guy. He wasn't a science geek like Anna but they can hold a fairly intelligent conversation about anything. The pot of conversation was bottomless. Anna tried to dig through that chamber for three months and she still hasn't reached the bottom. Their conversations ranged from books, the different places they want to travel, food and sometimes even current topics that were currently debated in NPR.
"Man, this guy is on a really high pedestal Anna," Cindy warned while she took a bite of her sandwich. Somehow Anna managed to eat everything on her lunch tray as she defended Blake Karalis to Cindy. "You need to be careful. He may be great now but you never know," her friend continued with a worried look in her eyes.
I hope you guys enjoyed!
If you have any questions or concerns, don't be shy and PM me about it :)
Don't forget to comment and vote! Cheers!

Believing in Miracles [COMPLETE]
Mistero / ThrillerIn the beginning she was alive, her soul bare for this man, loved him with every fiber of her being. She was willing to give up everything that she had for him and worked hard for the future they both hoped for each other; when he still existed. She...