IV - New Friends

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Biting her lip with frustration, regret and anger, Anna refreshed the page almost every second just waiting. Waiting, beating herself up and internally screaming as to why she did something so stupid. She already knew that this was going to be one of the top most embarrassing things she has ever done in the seventeen years she has been living on this earth. So embarrassing that if this ever randomly crosses her mind when she's doing something mundane, she would scream and contort her body and face in disgust and embarrassment.

"Whyyy!" Anna whined as she refreshed her screen once again.

In defeat, she tossed her phone to the other side of her bed and ran to the bathroom. She quickly looked at herself in the mirror, slowly judging herself.

Anna wouldn't call herself ugly but she couldn't call herself pretty as well. Although her strange Filipino and American mix gave her features that she's very fond of. Like how her long thick black hair wasn't so thick that it will take her hours to style but it was thick enough that it contains volume no matter how much humidity there was in the air. Her almond brown eyes was another one on the list since the only thing they need was a simple cat eye style eyeliner and she was done. Then the rest of her, she was partial with. She was the typical Filipino-American girl that she didn't think Blake Karalis would be interested in. She wasn't anything really special.

He must be a real douchebag if he won't at least accept her friend request right? Where's the harm in that? She was Ethan's best friend which he was apparently one as well so she wasn't a complete random stranger.

She ran back into her room, jumping onto her bed and quickly snatching up her phone once again. She then groaned thinking maybe it was her profile picture that kept him from accepting her friend request. She navigated swiftly through the app to look at her profile picture. It wasn't bad. It was just a typical selfie of her smiling, nothing slutty.

What if he was looking for someone slutty? Someone ready to get down and dirty? She snorted at the thought. She can make perverted jokes easily but she wasn't a total freak who would go down on her knees on the first date. Anna had more bases than other girls, about two or three more. She's waiting for the special guy who she would first give herself emotionally and then the physical side of it will come soon enough. She doesn't want a guy to only "love" her because she was great in bed. Which she probably will be.

Anna shook her head at the thought, telling herself that this was the confidence that's causing Blake to ignore her friend request. He was probably laughing at her expense. Laughing at her hope that he would want to be friends with someone like her.


Her inner monologue was interrupted by a text message. She picked up her phone thinking it was her friend Cindy complaining about the paper that was due the next day. But she soon was proven wrong when she read the message.

Mondy: You're Welcome ;)

A huge grin soon erupted on her face. "That son of two bitches," Anna swore under her breathe.

Soon enough her phone buzzed again, alerting her that she had a notification in Facebook. She wanted to jump up and down when she saw it. She wanted to do it so bad but Anna didn't want to be so eager. No, she shouldn't be so eager.

"Oh, fuck it!" Anna screamed as she jumped out of her bed, clutching her phone to her chest. Her most embarrassing day just turned out be the most exciting and unforgettable one.

Blake Karalis accepted her friend request!

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