Laughter went around the table as they finished off their apple pies. It was weird to laugh again, even though it's all fake and strained. It was weird to even make sounds in the house! Years have passed since she allowed herself to make a sound. Since making a small noise can give you bruises.
Throughout brunch, she tried her hardest not to stare at their guest. Eight years have passed since she last saw him or even talked to him. Well, things ended badly between them so it wasn't really a big surprise.
Through her silent observations, she saw that he was still the same. He was still the same man she loved but older, more mature. The wrinkles on his face, that would appear whenever he laughs or smiles, attests to that. But time has been very kind with him. He's still very handsome.
She looked around the table and saw that they were all done with their dessert. She quickly stood up and took their plates to wash. As their guest was handing her his plate, she spied his left hand and saw its nakedness. This startled her causing his plate to drop.
With fear in her eyes, her head snapped to look at her husband. Surprisingly, his demeanor did not change. "Careful dear. Are you okay?" Trying hard not to gasp in shock, she nodded her head at her husband's question.
Her brain was quickly filled with questions when she finally made it to the kitchen, plates in hand.
What happened to his girlfriend?
Did he have a girlfriend now?
His girlfriend during college was the reason they lost touch. She didn't want to intrude and be clingy so she stopped talking to him. What happened to her?
She quickly replaced that with the question that's been hanging in the air for quiet some time. What the hell is he doing here?
Fear ran through her body as she thought of the idea of him beating her as well. She shuddered as she remembered watching videos of girls being gang banged when she was still in high school. Was this the new flavor of the month of that husband of hers?
Their guest is a very large guy as well. A simple backhand would send her flying across the house. If he was here to torture her, she might as well die now.
A little nudge in her front pocket startled her. She looked up and saw those haunting green eyes. She badly want to ask him her questions. But before she could open her mouth her husband called out from the living room.
"Hey bro! I got our yearbook!" Her guest curtly nodded at her and left.
Her brows scrunched down in confusion as she took out a piece of paper that was protruding out of her front pocket.
She gasped when she read what was scribbled on it.
"Don't be afraid. I'm here."
Given you some clues as to who their guest is. You're welcome.
Hope you enjoyed it. Cheers!

Believing in Miracles [COMPLETE]
Misterio / SuspensoIn the beginning she was alive, her soul bare for this man, loved him with every fiber of her being. She was willing to give up everything that she had for him and worked hard for the future they both hoped for each other; when he still existed. She...