V - Old Friends

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She felt beautiful tonight. A more foreign feeling now than before. Confidence slowly creeped into her small corrupted veins in a form of a pale pink light. It wasn't a welcomed guest but the host body was letting it pass through. She was feeling confident. But of course the nasty parasite was still there.

It slowly made its presence known when he placed his hand on her silk covered leg. A slow throb of the parasite caused her heart to ache and her breathes to shorten.

Her brain hissed at her to listen when her ears picked up his rough voice. Slowly her brain processed the message and told her that tonight wasn't anything ordinary for someone was there, someone very special.

The parasite got out of its dormancy when he started roughly massaging her leg. Her brain formulated once again what her ear picked out from the driver side. He was warning her to behave.

She knew what that meant. It wasn't anything new since she has done this for a few years now. A fake smile and a curt nod goes a long way.

But according to him tonight was special.

He found a parking spot near the building the party was held. She finally looked out the window wondering where they were. She laughed at herself dryly thinking how will she know where they were if she hasn't step foot outside their house for a year.

He wouldn't let her.

She wanted to gasp at the beautiful decor. She also wanted to react at the fact that it was a Christmas party they were going to.

Christmas was non existent in their small bungalow.

She couldn't react for he was still in the car. She told herself to calm down.

Suddenly her door opened. She couldn't help but scream to her surprise. As quickly as her scream, a hand landed on her face in a deafening smack. She didn't hear him shush her.

He pulled her out of the car and forced her arm to go around his. She thought about how domestic they might have looked at the moment.

At last, they reached the party. It was already in full swing.

The pale pink light slowly eased its way back again into her veins when she saw the women around her look at her in envy. She then pitied them at their lack of knowledge as to whose arms she was casually draped on.

She wanted to scream and shout. She wanted to tell them what type of hell she has been to. But she can't. No, she knew he would change.

Her train of thought was interrupted when she saw the troubled, familiar eyes staring at her from across the room.

Did she accidentally do what was she was thinking? She slowly looked at her husband. A sigh of relief escaped her small mouth when his charming smile was still etched on his handsome face.

She turned once again to the other side of the room in search for those familiar eyes. Her eyes nearly flew out of its sockets when she saw the body, those eyes were attached to, coming their way.

Her train of thought must've been very slow for he was suddenly their right in front of them. He first greeted her husband. She wasn't surprised to find out that they were still friends. She put her head down trying hard not to eavesdrop on their small talk.

He wouldn't like that.

Thankfully the loud music was at her cause.

She let out a small gasp when she saw the shiny black shoes face her. She looked up quickly with wide eyes.

The worry in his eyes were still there. Did he know what was happening? The look of determination and promise suddenly settled on his innocent eyes.

He knew.

The familiar feeling of stuttering heart and short breathes came back to her once again. But this time it was the little white light of hope that caused it.


Sorry for not updating.

Belated Merry Christmas and New Year to all!

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