Chapter 3

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Years ago....

Loki's POV

"What is wrong with you?!" I was scared. I did not understand what was happening with Astrid. 

"I think I am having a panic attack. Loki Asgardians do not get panic attacks. I need help." I held her shoulders and made her focus on me.

"Astrid look into my eyes. Focus on them. And let me in." I needed to help her, i needed her to calm down. We were young, Astrid was about 10 years old in Human years, me being about 13 in human years. I grabbed her shoulders, and that's when I really got a good look at her eyes. Icy gray eyes with little green emerald flakes. She was out of this world. 

"Loki, is that what you really think?" I gave her a half smile. But a bigger hand came on my shoulder. 

"Oh brother, what are you doing with my little Astrid?" Thor said confidently. I watched her aura change, from focusing her energy on me to Thor. 

'no, not him. Anyone but him.' I had her blocked out so she could not read my thoughts. At that moment when Thor picked up Astrid, I knew she would fall for him. 


Loki's POV

I sat in my chambers after leaving Thor and Astrid to whatever. I knew she knew I was there, I was there in the dining hall when Odin was talking to her. I recalled memories of when I knew Astrid would fall for Thor. Though we stayed really close over the years, the pull to Thor was just stronger. Though he never understood her as I did. After everything I had done to Earth and with knowing my identity as a Frost Giant, she was the only one who understood. It was hard coming in second place next to Thor. I fell asleep to my own thoughts and nightmares. 

*Knock Knock*

I opened my eyes to see that it was morning time and I sighed. Another sleepless night. 

"Loki, wake up I have news!" I heard Astrid banging on my door. I groaned and opened the door. 

"What is it Astrid?" I asked coldly. I don't know why, but mornings and me are a no. She looked taken back by the coldness of me. I was looking at her, wondering why she was so chipper, then I saw it. 

"When?" Unbelievable. 

"Last night after you had stopped spying. Why were you there anyways?" Ugh, the hostility and coldness has been returned. 

"Look Astrid, it's early. I do not want to argue about this. I was just making sure you were okay. I was gonna make myself known, but the big Oaf showed up. Why did you have to say yes!?" I started to raise my voice. She knows my feelings but still chose him. Second best. 

"He is who I love the most Loki, now I must go to breakfast." She huffed and walked away. I slammed the chamber door. Now I am pissed. I went to the library where I would practice magic for the rest of the day. I need to figure out a way to show her who Thor really is. 

Astrid's POV

After I left Loki's chambers, I turned around the corner but overheard something that caught my interest. 

"Sif, I asked her to marry me." Thor was talking to Sif, but why. 

"But it should be me Thor. It was always supposed to me." She was begging him. Why was this even a conversation. 

"She does not deserve you. She is always off with your brother. Do you really think she loves you? I don't, I think she's in it for queen." I put my hand over my mouth and turned around. I walked to the dinning hall and grabbed some fruit and went to the garden. 

"Maybe Loki was right." I mumbled to myself as I peeled my orange. 

"Maybe Loki was right about what?" Thor asked sitting down next to me. 

"I heard you and Sif talking." I swear I watched him tense, but he pulled himself together. 

"She is just jealous of you, my love." I smiled. But I felt something tugging at my heart. I put my hand in his hand and he looked up to me. 

"If you are so worried, go see for yourself." He said. I debated, it has been a while since I went into his mind. I shook my head. 

"I trust you, what is on our schedule today?" He looked at me, his blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight, but I swear I saw his eyes shift. He is lying to me, about something. 

"Training, training, training, engagement announcement, bed." Sounds like an easy day. 

"Sounds fun, I am pretty sure I will be joining you for training 1, then I gotta go to the library, I have a meeting with Odin, announcement then bed." He smiled but frowned. 

"Why do you have a meeting with Father?" I shrugged. 

"My maid had delivered the message to me this morning, saying Odin has requested a meeting with me this afternoon." I smiled at him. 

"Will you let me know what goes on?" I nodded and we went to training. 

I was paired up with Sif and she was fighting extra dirty this session. She would take jabs when I was not looking. She actually stabbed me one time. 

"What the actual helheim Sif?! Why are you fighting so dirty?" I snapped at her holding my stomach. Thor had come to my side to hold me up. 

"Because you are an attention whore Astrid! You always have been. You are not even that good of a fighter! You are shit!" I stood up and stumbled a little bit. But I needed help. 

'Loki, I need your help.' I sent it to him hoping his barriers were down. I continued and went to grab my double ended spear. It was my weapon of choice. 

I got ready to fight Sif, and heard nothing from Loki. I guess I am doing this by myself. I began to get into position. 

"Astrid, you don't need to do this, she's already injured you. Stand down." I shook my head.

"No Thor. I will fight until one of us ends up in the hospital. And it won't be mad. Because now I'm pissed off." He sighed but backed off. I tightened the Armour so the bleeding with slow down. I still received nothing from Loki.

"Come on bitch. We all know you're too weak to defeat me." She snickered and glared at me. I swung my weapon and pointed it straight at her.

"I am not weak." I looked around. We had a crowd around us. I searched for the green and black outfit but nothing. Thor looked and me and smiled. We then began to fight for a long time. It was non stop for a while, just two warriors getting tired. Until I felt something.

'What do you want? I am to busy for you childish games.' He sent into my brain with a cold voice. I shook my head and thats when she got me.

I felt her sword go through my stomach. I gasped and looked at her. Fear flashed through her eyes as she pulled the sword out. She knows if I die, she's punished.

'Nevermind, I will be okay. I am so sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me?' I shot back. I just looked around hoping Loki was around. Thor came to my rescue before I fell to the ground.

'I will never forgive you. Now leave me alone.' I blacked out, knowing I just lost my bestfriend and possibly my own life.

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