Chapter 23

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Astrid's POV

I got to my room, I opened the box and pulled out all of the books. I sorted them by age before I even begun to read. After that, I sat on my bed to gain some confidence. I was about to read my entire life from the eyes of one the women who was most important to me. I decided to make myself a drink before. I used to do it all the time back on Asgard. I needed to find a tea that is similar to the one I love. I walked downstairs to find Loki in the kitchen rummaging through the cupboards.

"What are you looking for?" He jumped when he heard my voice.

"Umm, I was just looking for a similar tea that you would drink back home. I know you drink tea when you read, so I was going to make you one and bring it to you. As an apology. I am sorry for not saying goodbye, I was focused on trying to get those journals for you that I completely forgot that time runs differently." He said looking down at his feet. I went up to him and just gave him a hug. he seemed to be taken a back at first but slowly put his arms around me.

"That is so sweet. I do not think they have the type, so I will settle for a mint or chamomile tea, if possible." He nodded and found the tea and kettle.

"I was wondering if you would like to join me when I read?" He nodded and smiled.

"Of course, darling. I will be right up. You can go get a headstart." I smiled and went back upstairs and stared at the books for a few minutes before getting enough courage to opening up the first one.

'Princess Astrid of Vanaheim came into our care today. The King and Queen of Vanaheim decided it was the best decision for her to come under the protection of Asgard. She came with a protection power spell that locked her powers until a certain age. A necklace will be given to her when her powers begin to show. We are uncertain of what her gifts include, all that I am aware of is that she has the abilities to control elements. I wholeheartedly believe that with the right training she will be able to control every natural element. She will be one of the strongest and one of the most dangerous goddesses in all of the realms. She will need intense training, and will have to understand the danger she will bring.' I closed the journal and sighed.

'This power is going to be too much. I'm going to be too dangerous." I said out loud.

"Oh darling, you are not going ti be dangerous." I snapped ny head to the door and sighed and nodded.

"That's what your mom said. 'She'll be the most powerful and most dangerous goddess in all of the realms'" I reread the part and closed my eyes.

"Hunny, that was from the first day she met you. Something must've changed." I shrugged ny shoulders. So I opened another book.

"Astrid is now about 10 midgardian years old. Her fondness of Loki grows stronger everyday, but so does her power. We have been able to channel the power into a few of the elements. Especially the ones that deal with water, they are her strong suit. I still feat the day she will come into her full power." Loki looked at me with his bright green eyes.

"Her fondness for Loki grows stronger? How cute. She knew way back then." I giggled and opened another one.

"Astrid has turned into a beautiful young woman. Her and Loki have created a special bond. She would make such a beautiful queen. She has been attending official business with Loki and Odin. Even he says she does well in the room. She has also been entertaining me with her studies and magic. Her anxiety is starting to show, and I'm beginning to wonder when the right time to tell her she's not Asgardian but actually from Vanaheim. Odin believes we need to wait until she's of age to obtain her powers. But I think she deserves to know prior too, or it could mean disaster. Due to her admiration for Loki, I have started to privately teach him some methods to ensure her panic and anxiety can be controlled. She has also been receiving training for battles. She really is the brightest of all three children. She is the perfect mixture of power, strength, knowledge, and poise to demonstrate her princessing abilities." I believe I was about 15 at this point.

"You were taught the methods?" I asked and he nodded.

"She knew how well we bonded. So she believed it was wise to entrust me with the knowledge of how to ensure you didn't break into a panic." I smiled and gave him a hug. I gave him the next book while I drank my tea.

"Astrid is now 17 Midgardian years. A few more years and her entire life will change. I have been making sure that Loki has been creating magical jewelry for Astrid for many years now, she has got an entire collection of magical jewelry, but I do not think Astrid is aware that all of the jewelry is too help her control her abilities. Loki barely understands what he is creating for her. He just knows it'll protect her. That's all for now." Loki finished, and I just took it all in. He didn't know, but he did know.

"Okay. Next." I stated sipping tea.

"Astrid is nearing 20 midgardian years. Which means we are nearing the age of her full abilities. Thor was to be coronated, but was too involved and is now on earth while Astrid watches from afar. I've been trying to drop hints at Loki, but there's something off about him. He doesn't seem to be all there. I'm worried about all three of my children. I want to speak to Astrid, before it is too late. And I fear it will be too late sooner rather than later." I sniffles a little bit. Because that meant that, that was the last journal entry about my twentieth year.

"Wait Astrid, there's a little bit more." He said and folded the page that was bent.

"I watched Astrid today, as Loki left her to go on his conquest. She managed to keep herself poised. I worried about her. I was wondering and watching to see if that heartbreak was enough to set Ragna free from the confinement of her mind."

I looked up to Loki, who was staring at me.

"She knew. She fucking knew!"

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