Chapter 26

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Bruce's POV

"Dr. Banner, your assistance is needed in Astrid's room. Loki had called for you to bring your notebook as well." I jumped out of bed and grabbed my notebook and ran to Astrids room. 

Once I got there, there is nothing that could have prepared me for what I saw. She was lying on her bed with blue lightning sparks stretching from her fingers. 

"Loki?" He looked over and almost look relieved. 

"She's having an internal battle with herself, do not fret; the entire room in sealed in a protection spell." I nodded and began to document the experience that was occurring right in front of me. 

After she woke up, I said goodbye and went to the lab to put my notes into the computer. I began to analyze other stuff before breakfast was announced. 

Astrid's POV

I opened my eyes to see Loki in the corned holding a big old book, and Banner was in the doorway with a pen and notebook. 

"Were you taking notes on me while I sleep? Thats creepy." I snapped. It looked like it worried Banner for a second at how snarky I was. 

"Thank you for your assistance Bruce, you may retire to the lab or whatever it is you do." Loki said softly from the corner, Banner nodded and left. I looked at Loki harshly, I had a feeling I was going to be in a mood like this all day today. I am unsure where it came from. 

"Don't look at me like that, I did nothing wrong." He said back to me, while sitting down. 

"Then why did you have some scientist spy on me with a damn notebook and pen, Loki!" I could not stop this attitude. I looked at the calender and saw the date, the 24th. Of course, that makes so much more sense now, the 24th of each month is when I used to believed Asgardian women would have their version of a period. Turns out ir was more of a Vanaheim thing. I would get my "period" for about two days, and I would just be an emotional wreck.

"Darling, what is going on with you?" He said softly climbing into bed and playing with my hair. I shook my head.

"Clearly something is bothering uou Astrid; you can tell me." I sighed and pointed to the calender. If he remembered he'd know.

"The 24th?" He asked. I nodded and just curled up next to him. I let him ponder the thought a few more moments but then he got it.

"Oh, that's today? Um, I can seal up the room for magical safety purposes. Can have you going out of control today; since you are super emotional." I sat up and glared at him.

"Super emotional?! Loki!" I shouted back at him. He stood by the wall ready to run.

"No, love, that's not what I meant. I meant how you tend to be more in touch with your emotions on the 24th." I glared and pointed to the door.

"Just go, put up your magical jail cell, and leave me be." I snapped coldly. I couldn't help it. I went back into bed and curled up. I did put on some Midgardian Movie called Moana. I cried.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, can you get Thor to bring some food up here please?" I sighed, I didn't want Thor, but he was alwand there. Loki kind of always disappeared for the few days I was on my moon time. Whereas Thor was always around, his future wife will be very much cherished. Not long after, Thor arrived with a big plate of food and a big cup of tea.

"My dear sister, if you are in need of company, I will be right here." He entered and I motioned for him to sit on my bed.

"Want to watch a movie with me?" He smiled and nodded. We begun to put the past behind us and just move forward. After about 20 minutes of discussion about a movie we settled on Frozen.

"You know, this is nice. I missed this. However, why isn't Loki here? He should be." I sighed sadly and looked up at Thor.

"I sent him away earlier. He was never around so he doesn't understand. He called me super emotional and that I can't control my powers." Thor curled his fists.

"He said that? What a silver tongue response that was." He stood up and began to pace.

"You're right, he was always 'too busy', or 'needed to practice some hard spells', or 'father needs me in the political meeting', he's got no idea of hoe to help you. That slimy Weasel." He was getting angry.

"Thor, it is okay. I've been alone for many of these days. If you wanna go let out some steam than feel free to. Thank you for the food, I really appreciate it." He nodded, bowed and bid farewell. Than it was just me, alone to my thoughts.

Thor's POV

I left Astrids room angry. I have learned to understand what she's going through over the many years of having her in my life. Many asgardian women did not have their moon time, I heard that Vanaheim women did but I never really thought much of it. What frustrates me is that Loki is supposed to be there for her. But it was always me cause he went off for 2 days every time.

"LOKI!" I yelled loudly for him to hear but not Astrid. You could hear the thunderstorm beginning outside. I found Loki, on the chair by the window reading a book.

"Yes brother?" He asked calmly. The storm outside was getting bigger.

"How could you?" I simply asked. He just gave me a dumb look.

"How could I do what, I need more Thor." I don't know what came over me, I grabbed him by his neck and held him the wall.

"How could you leave her upstairs in her suffering! Why didn't you ever stay around when we were growing to understand what she is going through and how to help her? Why is it that when she needs you, you're down here reading God knows what and she's up there watching some midgardian movie designed to make her cry." He tapped my arm and I dropped him.

"So why don't you go take care of her?" He yelled back.

"Why don't you?" I snapped back.

"Because it's gross and vile, no man should ever have to deal with such things." I heard a scoff at the doorway, we both turned to see Astrid standing there angry and crying. She lifted her arm and made Loki frozen in place.

"Way to go brother. Now you stand here and think about what you've done."

"Astrid that's not what I meant!" He yelled to her, but she just rolled her eyes and left.

Loki's POV

"What did you do?" Steve asked when he came into the room about an hour or so later.

"I may or may not have said some things about a woman's moon time." His eyes widened.

"You did what? That's like a death wish." I sighed and looked down, the ice was starting to melt.

"Yeah I know, she wasn't supposed to be around when I said it. So im stuck here in this ice trap thinking about what I've done and how to fix it." I looked at Steve.

"I'll help you. Men stick together in times like these." I nodded.

"So what we shall do, is wait for you to melt, go to the store, buy some chocolates, a candle, a nice warm blanket, some tea, and anything else that will be comforting to her." I looked at him funny.

"Why?" Now he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Comfort = they don't kill us. Have you never been around during this with Astrid?" I shook my head.

"I always left for a few days or isolated myself. Thor was the one to take care of her throughout the years. I don't know why I didn't stay to learn maybe because at that time I was so sure they would end up together." I sighed and looked down.

"Oh Loki, well its time to make up for how many years?"

"A very long time." I responded.

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